Right Smartphone Car Charger

How to choose the Right Cell Phone Car Charger

Universal cell phone chargers are now a reality. However, these chargers may not work with older phones. If your phone has broken or lost its charger, you may need to buy a new in-car charger from the manufacturer. Many people take in-car chargers on long business trips or vacations. You don't need to worry about your phone dying because you have a charger with you.

There are four types of car chargers for cell phones on the market. Five if you include the universal chargers, which should work with any type of phone. These chargers plug into the car's cigarette lighter to charge your phone while you drive. Modern cars don't have ashtrays or cigarette lighters as standard equipment. Manufacturers do still install cigarette lighter plugs (now called axillary or lateral plugs) somewhere in the dash, sometimes even in the backseat. These plugs can be used to charge your car's battery.

Choose the type of charger you prefer. The 1Tac Auto-Ac Car Charger eliminator DC cord allows you to make calls and use the battery without the need for a charger. It will not charge your phone. You can charge your phone and also use it simultaneously with a fast charger. However, these chargers can overheat and cause damage to the phone if left plugged in continuously.

The trickle phone charger in your car is a third option. It works exactly the same way as fast chargers but won't overheat or burn out your phone battery. It charges your phone while you are using it. The sensor also stops the device charging when the battery is empty. The DC cord is also turned off to prevent it from damaging your phone.