If you look at attachment 1, I get an Auto-generated Section which is locked. And all the fields are shown in square brackets. From the videos and printed material I was expecting to see a separate unlocked section for each data source, as per attachment 2. And here the fields do not have square brackets.

If you want to do further manual improvements on the generated script you can unlock it like Arthur describes. But be aware that after doing this, you can't edit the tables in Data manager anymore, only preview. All further changes need to be done in Data load editor.

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The brackets are actually quotation marks to ensure that the field name is handled correctly if it should contain symbols that disturb the parsing, like spaces or minus signs. In the auto-generated code brackets are used for all fields to be safe, so if you modify the script you may or may not need to keep the brackets.

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We've been facing this issue every single time we build an email in the new editor. We'll build the email, but when we click 'Preview and test' there are many blocks missing. Not all, just some. I have no idea how it decides which ones o keep and which ones to not. Even more annoying than that is when you exit the editor and come back (or refresh the page), and find out those blocks are missing.

In regards to performance, it is recommended to use Klaviyo in a Chrome browser. SASS software works best in Chrome since it is cloud based. Next, please try clearing your cache/cookies within Chrome. If your browser's cache is too full, then Klaviyo cannot run smoothly. We can also suggest updating your chrome browser to most recent version. If the browser hasn't been updated then it's running on older tech. However, the new editor and anything Klaviyo is client sided so if you are experiencing performance issues and not bugs, I would consider checking your device first.

This is not true. Blocks do save even when you don't click on the Done button. We know this firsthand from designing and never clicking that button. If the expected behavior is for a block to only save when I press Done, why do some blocks get saved even when you don't click it?

Besides, if blocks don't save their changes when I don't click Done, why do I see those changes in the Designer? Shouldn't they simply revert back to before I made changes? It's misleading to see an email fully designed and not have any indication as to which blocks are saved and which aren't.

For starters, the new editor does have an auto-save feature similar to our old editor you are correct. Pressing the done option is another method to save it and we like to push that onto people as a best practice like how one would save a document instead of relying on autosave or in case of something going wrong. Some reasons why changes may not save could potentially be because you may have multiple tabs open of the same editor or other users are making changes to the same template. Our template isn't like a google doc where you can cross collaborate and multiple running instances can cause some weird behavior. Since it sounds like you are refreshing the page and rebuilding the template, it seems to explain this behavior mentioned above. Essentially you'll only want to edit and make changes to one session of the editor at a time. This behavior is also something found in the old editor as well.

With the New Editor, this system features an auto-save function, which is described here. As I mentioned previously, pressing the done option is another method to save it and we like to push that onto people as a best practice like how one would save a document instead of relying on autosave or in case of something going wrong. So while we might not require a hard save, it is a practice that customers can use and a habit they can build. I like the idea of a confirmation button and will push that to the feature request team. Even if you are logged out after a period of time, all previous work would be 100% saved due to this auto save feature. If you are not currently using the New Email Template Editor, you can learn more about using this feature here. I would also recommend getting in touch with our Support team so they can actually look into your template and diagnose whether the problems you are facing are a product related issue or your user error.

Your browser could be holding on to a bad or delayed network session, causing a hiccup. I recommend clearing your browser cookies(cache), logging back in to Klaviyo, and attempt to test the template again. I know you stated that this is something that occurs intermittently, so I would actually recommend reaching out to our Support team so that they can take a better look into your account that we cannot do here.

Hello everyone. I'm new in cadence products. I wonder if there is a way to solve the following mistake. When I had all the electronic devices placed on the PCB, and I want to route all the tracks but not manually because there are a lot of them, so I try to use the option "Route->PCB router->Route automatically" but cadence throw me a message that disable the "Route" option.

I had same problem before, but I found the cause! when I removed all of Clines and Vias on the board, it works correctly. if there are the clines or vias that I created by hand on the board , it happened kind of that problem in my case. it has some bug I guess.... (I used professional license)

Last time I used the AutoRouter there was a check-box "Protect Routes/vias". When this is set, only unrouted nets will be handled by the autorouter. An advice is to route all critical nets first such as clock, power, create planes, etc and leave the uncritical nets to the autorouter. If you make a save of the half-way completed board, you can use a copy for experimenting, setting the layer route preferences, cleaning up via options, etc. It was some time since I used it (OrCAD Professional), but I think that constraints created in CM will be honored by the router.

Thanks for reporting this.. as it is, it seems like it was designed this way, yet we might not be aware of a check box hidden someplace to make it all better ;-). Have a great weekend, I will check back on Monday to see if I have figured it out.

I know this topic is Super old, but I don't care. I just wanted to say thank you so very much. This just saved me so much frustration. The graph editor constantly zooming back out while trying to work within a specific region was driving me absolutely bonkers. What hair I have left is also thankful.

This isn't a tool limitation but a license limitation. You will need to contact Cadence to verify this but the Auto Router which comes bundled with OrCAD PCB only supports 6 routing layers and does not support Blind and buried vias during auto routing, among other functionality. I believe the performance options may give you more functionality but it depends on which licenses you have. Check out pages 6 thru 10 of the below PDF Document which describes the different tool suites/levels and what functionality you should expect. Like I said it is probably best to contact Cadence directly to discuss your options.

In preference/Editors you can select the Drum to be Default (or others: Key, Drum, In-Place, List Score). I like to assign Shift D as key command to open Drum editor instead of Key Editor as I use both all the time, super quick.

As stated above, the map probably changed the mapping, most likely the MIDI channel settings - Channel settings in the drum map override the MIDI channel setting for the track. The GM map is set to Ch10 by default, so if you may need to alter the Channel setting on your MIDI track accordingly

I would like to completely turn off the auto-indent feature. Muscle memory going back to the original Brief and beyond means that carbon-based indenting is so automatic (and compliant with my company standards) that the silicon-based indenting just gets in the way of productive work. But a thorough search of the menu options and even an internet search turns up nothing useful for v8.

There's also the save-session plugin which makes Atom behave more like Sublime: the current state of each file is remembered across application instances. This is slightly different than the original request, but also extremely useful.

It's late answer, but In case someone needs it.auto save package save something when a it's lose focus or get close.If you want auto save right after every type, You can install autosave-on-change by ChexWarrior. Check this link. It will auto save right after every type. You can install it from package installer of atom. Hope it helps.

I installed the autosave-onchange package, and it works perfect, I recommend it. . . The only difference besides that works well for me, is that you record at all times as soon as you make a change . . .

Some times at external editor (like Typora) needed paste local image to text.

But on return to Joplin image does not attach and preview contain invalid image.

Be useufull that auto attaching images as resources after external editor.

What exactly are you talking about? How do you paste local images to text?

Are you talking about an inline image pointing to a local file in Typora? If that were the case, it should also work in Joplin. Can you please elaborate your issue?

Hi, maybe I have the same issue. I am trying to attach an image to a note using an external text editor (like Atom or sublime). There are some plugins to let you put the image you would like to attach, like with C-v, to a specific folder. I have tried using the one in which my notes are synched, but this does not seem to work. Is there any way I can attach an image using an external text editor? 152ee80cbc

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