Vaxxed Protests

Four people standing in a line wearing winter jackets and hats and holding signs

Signs from left to right: "Vaccines cause adults," "Vaccines save lives", "Vaccines didn't make me autistics but they did prevent smallpox", "I (heart) my autistic girlfriend"

Three people in a line wearing winter jackets and holding signs

Signs from left to right: "Life worthy of life", "You can't get the awesome from a needle!", "End autism stigma"

Someone holding a cardboard sign among a crowd of people

"Too bad there isn't a vaccine against ignorance"

Two people wearing winter jackets and hats holding signs

Signs from left to right-"Vaccines didn't make me autistics but they did prevent smallpox", "Memo to Anti-Vaxxers, Pandemics Are Bad we don't want them"

Two people wearing winter jackets and hats holding signs

Signs from left to right: "Vaccines didn't make me autistics but they did prevent smallpox", "I (heart) my autistic girlfriend"

Five people standing in a line wearing winter jackets and hats holding signs

Signs from left to right: "Not your puzzle not your boogeyman" "Pharma saves lives. Vaxxed profits off fear and hatred" "Fuccked II" "Vaccines didn't make me autistics but they did prevent smallpox", " "Benefits of vaccines: prevent measles, mumps, and rubella, prevent rabies, prevent tetanus, prevent hepatitis, prevent polio, prevent smallpox, prevent meningitis, prevent HPV. Risk of vaccines: ouch, it hurts, it doesn't cause autism, but even if it did, it'll at least get adults to treat autistic people as human beings (oh the horror!)"

A person wearing an orange jacket and jeans holding a sign

"Vaccines cause adults"

A person wearing a winter jacket and hat holding a sign

 "Benefits of vaccines: prevent measles, mumps, and rubella, prevent rabies, prevent tetanus, prevent hepatitis, prevent polio, prevent smallpox, prevent meningitis, prevent HPV. Risk of vaccines: ouch, it hurts, it doesn't cause autism, but even if it did, it'll at least get adults to treat autistic people as human beings (oh the horror!)"

Two people wearing winter jackets and hats holding signs

Signs from left to right:  "Pharma saves lives. Vaxxed profits off fear and hatred", "You can't get the awesome from a needle!", "Not your puzzle not your boogeyman"