
Welcome to Autistic Archive! There has been some discussion about a need for better preservation of information related to the Autistic Community and Neurodiversity Movement's history. Many people newer to neurodiversity are often unaware of the history that spans about thirty years. I am hoping that this website can give people an idea of where this movement comes from, and where it could be going.  I also hope that this website can serve as a tool for people to find material to reference.

There is so much information out there, and there is also much yet to be uncovered from our movement's past. To that end, this website will be updated with new information constantly, and hopefully more people will offer contributions as time goes on. If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact me!

The current logo uses a symbol often used for archives-buildings that use and older type of architecture. It is purple in honor of one of the Neurodiversity Movement's most influential pioneers, Jim Sinclair. Jim's favorite color is purple. It includes llamas that were used in a lot of Autism Network International's logos, particularly for Autreat shirts. It also has the rainbow wheel Autistic Self-Advocacy Network uses for their logo, and the spoon-shaped dragonfly Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network use in their logo. The logo's font is Times New Roman, which was the common font to use for webpages in the Web 1.0 days of the internet.

Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any of the content on here nor do I credit myself with discovering any of it. Because much of what can be seen here is from years ago, there will be some outdated language that is considered to be inappropriate in this day and age. This mostly pertains to the use of the term Asperger's and Aspie. Just because something is hosted here does not mean I endorse everything that is said.

Past logos

December 2021-June 2024

 A yellow llama with a pink saddle, a narwhal, and a giraffe with a lampshade on its head standing in front of an old map with the text "Autistic Archive"

[Image description: A yellow llama with a pink saddle, a narwhal, and a giraffe with a lampshade on its head standing in front of an old map with the text "Autistic Archive"]

This logo for was comprised of three animals that have been used as inside jokes in autistic spaces. The llama comes from the days of Autism Network International, the giraffe with lampshade on its head comes from the Autistic Party Giraffe, and the narwhal being from the Neurodivergent Narwhals of the Ed Wiley Autism Acceptance Lending Library.  I later changed the logo to include actual symbols as opposed to canva clipart.

July 2021-December 2021

[Image description: An old map with a compass with golden text that reads "Autistic Archive" with a golden infinity symbol.]

The original logo for Autistic Archive had a gold infinity symbol. I later changed the logo to something I felt was more representative of the neurodiversity movement's history.