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[Thumbnail description: A person's face made of red, purple, and blue stars with the caption "We're right here and we're gonna write the story. You'll see it written in the stars. We were here. #BoycottToSiri"]

Thumbnail credit goes to Rebecca Coleman on Instragram

#BoycottToSiri was an online campaign started by Amethyst Schaeber as a protest to the controversial book To Siri With Love, written by Judith Newman about her autistic son, Gus. Many autistic people found the content of this book to be disturbing, namely a section where Newman questions whether her son actually has a mind or not, contemplating sterilization, and detailed accounts of Gus's personal life that came off to many as a violation of privacy. Newman apologized, though her apology was seen as insincere. There are remnants of a discussion she had with advocates that did not end well, which can be viewed on Facebook here. If you do not have access to Facebook, you can view an HTML file of the whole conversation here. You may have to download the file to view it. Below are several articles and other media recounting the campaign. The hashtag on Twitter can be viewed here.
