Autistics Speaking Day

[Image description: A red cross-out circle with a bigger, rainbow-colored cross-out circle behind text that says "Autistics Speaking Day. November 1. You are not alone.]

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Autistics Speaking Day is a holiday observed on November 1st of every year. It first started in the year 2010. It was started by Corina Becker and Kat Bjørnstad after a fundraiser called Communication Shutdown was proposed by non-autistic people. An Australian charity known as the AEIOU Foundation held the fundraiser. They wanted to do this to show the supposed frustration autistic people felt with communication by taking a day off of social media. Many autistic people found the idea of that patronizing, and decided to take action. They reclaimed November 1st as a day to share the works of autistic people. The original blog post that started Autistics Speaking day was made by Corina, and can be found here. The main blog for Autistics Speaking Day, that is still active, can be found here. Below you will find links that are related to Autistics Speaking Day.

Autistics Speaking Day is a holiday observed on November 1st of every year. It first started in the year 2010. It was started by Corina Becker and Kat Bjørnstad. This happened after a fundraiser called Communication Shutdown. It was created by non-autistic people. An Australian charity known as the AEIOU Foundation held the fundraiser. They wanted to do this to show how autistic people struggled with communication. They did this by taking a day off of social media. Many autistic people found the idea of that offensive, and decided to take action. They reclaimed November 1st as a day to share the works of autistic people. The original blog post that started Autistics Speaking day was made by Corina, and is here. The main blog for Autistics Speaking Day, that is still active, is here. Below you will find links about Autistics Speaking Day.