Xenia Grant

wo photos of a white woman with a buzzcut. On the left is a gray photo of her wearing a shirt with the Australia flag with a cat on her shoulder. On the right is the woman outside surrounded by people in the background wearing an orange shirt that says "CCCP" and a golden necklace with the Christianity cross.

[Image description: wo photos of a white woman with a buzzcut. On the left is a gray photo of her wearing a shirt with the Australia flag with a cat on her shoulder. On the right is the woman outside surrounded by people in the background wearing an orange shirt that says "CCCP" and a golden necklace with the Christianity cross.]

Name: Xenia Grant (She/her/hers) 


Autistic Adults Picture Project Profile

Xenia Grant from Denver

'Autism Recovery Movement' Appalling

Interview with The Antique Autistic

Notes: Xenia is also known as Kathy Lisner Grant