Michelle Dawson

A white woman with long dark hair, a dark blue shirt, and a white undershirt standing in front of a portrait of penguins and a small statue of a bear

[Image description: A white woman with long dark hair, a dark blue shirt, and a white undershirt standing in front of a portrait of penguins and a small statue of a bear]

Name: Michelle Dawson (She/her/hers)


Autistic Adults Picture Project bio

No Autistics Allowed 

Autism Crisis

No Autistics Allowed-An Open Letter by Michelle Dawson 

Is One Allowed to Respond?

The Misbehavior of Behaviorists

Wired article- Yeah I'm Autistic. You Got A Problem With That? By David Wolfman

Notes: Michelle Dawson does not consider herself part of the Neurodiversity Movement. While her work tends to fall under the umbrella of neurodiversity and supports the positions it takes, she does not align herself with any one ideology or organization. Her focus is on ethics in research and human rights. More can be seen about her positions here