Mel Baggs

A white person with round glasses and dark shoulder length hair wearing a white button up shirt with a black vest over it, a brown cowboy-esque hat, and a necklace sitting in a living room on the couch

[Image description: A white person with round glasses and dark shoulder length hair wearing a white button up shirt with a black vest over it, a brown cowboy-esque hat, and a necklace sitting in a living room on the couch]

Name: Mel Baggs (Sie/hir) (They/them/theirs)

August 15th, 1980-April 11th, 2020


Autistic Adults Picture Project Bio

Ballast Existenz

LiveJournal account (Wakasplat)

Cussin and Discussin profile


TPGA tag

Getting the Truth Out

YouTube channel

Mel Baggs Memorial

Wired article- Yeah I'm Autistic. You Got A Problem With That? By David Wolman

The Truth About Autism: Scientists Reconsider What They Think They Know by David Wolman

Baggs: Live on an autistic island? Not me. 

Autism and CAPD

Autism Demonized


World Autism Interviews: [Mel] Baggs/Access to Quality Healthcare in an Autistic World

Notes: Mel went by Amanda until later in hir life. Sie is often referred to as Amanda Baggs or A. M. Baggs in older sources, though that was ultimately hir dead name. Mel was short for Amelia.