Jim Sinclair

A white person with dark hair wearing glasses, a black tee shirt over a purple long sleeve shirt and purple pants sitting on a wheelchair with hands cusped over a binder

[Image description: A white person with dark hair wearing glasses, a black tee shirt over a purple long sleeve shirt and purple pants sitting on a wheelchair with hands cusped over a binder]

Name: Jim Sinclair (Xe/xym/xyr)


Don’t Mourn For


No sufran

Jim Sinclair's Web Site

Medical Research Funding?

Cultural Commentary: Being Autistic Together

Bridging the Gaps: An inside-out view of autism (or, do you know what I don't know?)

Is Cure a Goal?

Interview with Jim Sinclair by Michael Ellermann

Why I dislike "person first" Language

YouTube Channel

What Does Being Different Mean?

Notes: If you google Jim Sinclair, you will get pictures of a Canadian politician associated with xem. That is a different Jim Sinclair. The Jim Sinclair associated with the Neurodiversity Movement is the one pictured here.