Welcome! Here you will find updates as well as a guide on how to use this website.
About gives a rundown of what this website is and informs you of some basic stuff you should know before browsing the archives.
Websites includes community websites made by and for autistic people, personal blogs autistic people have started, and other archives of related topics.
Misc. includes things I have found that I don't know where else to stick. A lot of it is graphics and memes.
Topics separates content by what specific categories they fall under so you can more easily access references when writing or speaking about something such as The Autism Wars, the Anti-Vaxxer movement, or cultural events such as Autreat and Autspace.
People separates writings by individual author in case you want to find archives of specific autistic people who have made several contributions to the Neurodiversity Movement. Its layout is a callback to the Autistic Adults Picture Project, which you can learn more about in Misc.
Contact Me is for you to reach me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns related to Autistic Archive. If you have findings of your own that you think should be featured, you can also contact me.
Lessons includes video lectures that go through the Neurodiversity Movement's history chronologically and other relevant videos made by the webmaster. All videos have closed captioning in English.
Books includes books written by autistic people
Timeline lists significant events in the movement's history in chronological order
Quizzes is a way of testing your knowledge of the Neurodiversity Movement and can act as a tool for pointing you towards sections you have yet to visit.
Glossary Has definitions of commonly used terms and their origins written in plain language
The logo for Autistic Archive was assembled in Canva
[Image description: A purple building designed after ancient architecture with a rainbow wheel, three llamas, and a dragonfly made to look like a spoon. There is black text that reads "Autistic Archive".]