Al Pacino, playwright, is the author in "Author! Author!" and his play is opening on Broadway in a few weeks. It needs a better second act. But Pacino is too bothered with a domestic crisis to write one. His wife is bored and wants to leave, he has an affair with his leading lady, but she doesn't like being tied down by his kids; you get the idea. So it's only once in a while that Pacino finds time to sit down at his typewriter and write that second act.

As he does so, we are brought face to face with one of the major problems with this movie. Is the movie really about a playwright? Or is "playwright" just the title given to a character who could just as easily be anything else, if the prop department supplied different tools? The movie clearly takes the second option. That's why we never learn what the play is about, what the trouble is with the second act, or how Pacino hopes to fix it. We're just supposed to fall for the old dodge where the harried but brilliant author pounds away at his typewriter in between fights with his wife and promises to his girlfriend.

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That unwillingness to really be about its characters is fatal to "Author! Author!" Here's a movie filled with references to New York and its various glamorous lifestyles (there are references to Norman Mailer, Arthur Miller, Elaine's restaurant, etc.), but the inspiration for this movie is pure hayseed. It comes out of TV sitcoms about rambunctious families, and if it has a cinematic predecessor. it's probably "Yours, Mine and Ours," a superior 1968 comedy starring Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda.

"Author! Author!" is never even able to establish a consistent attitude toward its characters. It veers uneasily between slapstick and pathos, between heart-rending family conferences and a ridiculous final scene that has Al Pacino and his kids barricaded on the roof of their townhouse while the cops stand in the street shouting ultimatums lifted from old Pat O'Brien movies.

The movie stars Pacino as the playwright, a lovable family man who is raising one kid from his first marriage and one from his current marriage to Tuesday Weld. All the other neighborhood kids also spend a lot of time at Pacino's house, because he's such a lovable guy. But then Weld leaves (she doesn't believe in staying married to the same man for long), and Pacino starts an affair with the star of his new play, Dyan Cannon.

Some of this material is handled as realism, some as farce. The Broadway theatrical details are handled as broad comedy, especially in the scenes starring my heroes, Bob and Ray, who are brought on like a vaudeville team. This movie is much too small to include Bob and Ray and Tuesday Weld delivering a long speech about her needs, whatever they are.

What's Pacino doing in this mess? What's happening to his career? There was a time, after "The Godfather, Part II," when he and Robert De Niro seemed at the forefront of their generation of movie actors. Since then, De Niro has gone from one good or great role to another, and Pacino has opted for commercial projects like "Bobby Deerfield," "Cruising," "... and Justice for All," and this. It's a nice irony that De Niro's difficult pictures have grossed more than Pacino's would-be commercial projects.

The authors determined that future research should focus on the best ways to communicate to farmers about conservation practices and the influence of institutional factors, such as market structure and subsidies on conservation behaviors.

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12 The number of designated resident zonecommunities in the various national monuments was as follows: Aniakchak,2; Bering Land Bridge, 4; Cape Krusenstern, 3; Denali, 2; Gates of theArctic, 7; Glacier Bay, none; Katmai, 4; Kobuk Valley, 5; Lake Clark, 2;Noatak, 3; Wrangell-St. Elias, 10; and Yukon-Charley, 3. Of the 45listed communities, six were listed twice: Kivalina, Kotzebue, andNoatak were proposed as resident zone communities for both the CapeKrusenstern and Noatak park units, while Ambler, Kobuk, and Shungnakwere listed as resident zone communities for both the Gates of theArctic and Kobuk Valley park units. Stanley Leaphart, the longtime headof the state-sponsored Citizens' Advisory Commission on Federal Areas,stated in a 1989 meeting that the NPS had chosen these communities basedon 1) the various Cooperative Park Studies Unit subsistence studiesprepared for the NPS in the mid- to late 1970s, 2) the various finalenvironmental statements prepared in 1974-75 for proposed NPS units, and3) the Interior Department volume, Final Environmental Supplement,Alternative Administrative Actions, Alaska National Interest Lands(Washington, the author), c. 1978. Leaphart noted that the NPS "alsoreviewed information from several of its employees who had studied thesubsistence lifestyle for years and in some cases who lived in the bushfor years," and the agency also "interviewed state and local peopleknowledgeable about the subsistence lifestyle." GAAR SRC minutes,November 16-17, 1989, 10-11.

17 The three rangers were Charles A.Budge, who served as both ranger-in-charge at Wrangell-St. EliasNational Monument and acting superintendent at Denali National Monument;Paul F. Haertel, who was both ranger-in-charge at Lake Clark andoperations chief in the Alaska Area Office; and Charles M. (Mack)Shaver, who became the ranger-in-charge of the three northwestern Alaskamonuments. Budge and Haertel, hired in 1979, and Shaver, hired in 1980,became superintendents of Alaska park units within weeks of ANILCA'spassage. Williss, "Do Things Right the First Time," 286-87; JohnE. Cook interview, April 18, 2001.

19 This total was approximately 1.2million acres greater than had been designated in December 1978. Of thenew parklands open to subsistence activities, 21,774,000 acres were infive national parks, 698,000 acres were in two national monuments, and18,986,000 acres were in ten national preserves. As noted in Chapter 4,the only newly-designated areas not open to subsistence activities werethe additions to Glacier Bay and Katmai national parks, plus KenaiFjords National Park.

22 As one element of the legislativehistory, Sen. Mike Gravel (D-AK) stressed that "the conservation unitsdesignated in this bill in Alaska are fundamentally different than thosewe have designated in the past in the lower 48 states. ... I hope thatthis Congress is putting the managing agencies on notice that the goalof the managing agencies should not be to bring the various parks andrefuges in Alaska into "conformity" with the uses and regulations whichmight be appropriate in other units outside of Alaska—that theintent of the Congress is to preserve the differences outlined andaccommodated for in this legislation in coming years." CongressionalRecord 126 (August 19, 1980), S 11186.

29 The final rule noted that most ofthese sections "do not lend themselves to expeditious implementationsince they have not previously been the subject of notice and comment.... It should be emphasized, however, that all parties must comply withthese statutory provisions as long as they remain in effect." Federal Register 46 (June 17, 1981), 31839-40.

35 On December 2, 1980, InteriorSecretary Cecil Andrus issued a Secretarial Order that officiallychanged the NPS's Alaska Area Office into the Alaska Regional Office,and John Cook's position changed from Area Director to RegionalDirector. Williss, "Do Things Right the First Time," 256.

38 Ibid. Brown summarized theNPS's approach during this period as follows: "show the flag, keep asmile on your face, be educational, and don't march in with jack boots." Others active in the "brain trust" during the late 1970s includedanthropologists G. Ray Bane and Richard K. Nelson (both of whom had beenhired by Zorro Bradley) and oral historian William Schneider.

43 Alaska House of Representatives,Special Committee on Subsistence, Final Report on Activities Duringthe 1979 Interim, January 25, 1980, 1-6. A 1981 minority report ofthe Special Committee on Subsistence stated that the committee had "sucha built in pro-subsistence bias that it has failed to objectivelyevaluate many important aspects of the issue. We can not expect a fairor reasonable solution based on the performance of this committee thusfar."

47 A meeting of the "Southeast InterimRegional Advisory Council" had been held in Juneau on March 9, 1979, amonth before the joint boards met. Later that year, meetings were heldin Bethel (October 6-7), Fairbanks (October 16-17), and Soldotna(October 22). No meetings were held that year in either southwesternAlaska (Bristol Bay) or the Arctic (Seward Peninsula to North Slope)."Reading File 1979," Series 556, RG 11, ASA. The joint board assignedmost (although not all) of the advisory committees to one of sixregions, but they were careful not to establish specific regionalboundaries. 152ee80cbc

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