Submit your paper

If you are interested in submitting a paper describing your proposed system to the shared task, please follow the instructions below. It is important to note that submitting a paper is not mandatory to participate in the task, your systems will be considered in the ranking even if you do not submit a paper. Accepted papers will be included in the IberLEF 2023 Proceedings, published at


    title = "Overview of AuTexTification at IberLEF 2023: Detection and Attribution of Machine-Generated Text in Multiple Domains",

    author = "Sarvazyan, Areg Mikael and

      Gonz{\'a}lez, Jos{\'e} {\'A}ngel and

      Franco Salvador, Marc and

      Rangel, Francisco and

      Chulvi, Berta and

      Rosso, Paolo",

    month = sep,

    year = "2023",

    address = "Jaén, Spain",

    booktitle = "Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural",
