Things You Need to Know About the ADF Aptitude Test

Surviving the Australian Defence Force (ADF) aptitude test may seem to be a difficult task, but it could be made possible with the help of these ADF aptitude test tips. These ADF aptitude test advises will help you not just to pass the admission test, but to also guarantee your admission in your dream job in the Australian military.

What to expect at the ADF aptitude test?

You may have already looked at the official jobs portal of the ADF ( found at ), and have scouted for available jobs and positions there. But before you get that dream job, part of the initial military recruitment process is passing a series of aptitude tests that will put your mental and psychological capabilities to the test. The list of aptitude tests that a military applicant has to undergo include the psychometric test and psychological test.

The psychometric test – or the YOU Session test – is the first step that all applicants will have to take in order to advance in the military recruitment process. This stage of test has 2 components: the general ability test, and the mathematical ability test. These are timed examinations that will test the knowledge and skills of the examinees. In here, you’ll be asked to go to a recruitment centre and take the exam. You have the option to either take the pen-and-paper test, or the online exam.

After this phase, applicants will be asked to come for an interview and another round of exam. This time, this will be facilitated by an ADF psychologist. In here, you’ll undergo a personality test to see how suitable or ready you are to enter the military.

Why ADF aptitude test scores matter?

The scores you’ll be getting in these tests will determine the military positions that would be available for you, so you must prepare by looking at YOU session practice questions online. The example aptitude test questions online will help you secure become fit and knowledgeable for the position you are aspiring.

While the interview round may be more subjective and personal, it is still better to be prepared for the questions to be asked in order to craft proper responses beforehand. There also are sample aptitude tests and interview questions online to make you prepared for this round in the military recruitment process.

Note, though, that applicants only have two chances to take these tests. Failure to reach the thresholds set by the ADF twice in a row would make you lose your chance in entering the Australian military.

The Australian military is considered as the most competitive among all countries due to a lot of benefits. While it is highly advanced in terms of technology and equipment, it also provides job security and a lot of benefits for its people. That’s why it annually receives thousands of applications, all vying for limited positions in the Australian military. The military aptitude test practice online will help you be on top of this competitive batch and easily get the job that you want.

How will a practice ADF aptitude test help?

It is important to stress that it’s not just important to get satisfactory scores, but to get high grades in the aptitude test. With the fierce competition in the military admission, the high grades of other applicants may be favoured by the military over your simply satisfactory grade in the specific position you are aiming. The available practice online aptitude test in Australia is designed to prepare you to edge out competitors in a particular position.

Exams may not be the same for all branches of the military – the Army, Navy, or Air Force – so most online practice aptitude tests are designed for specific tests. For those who wish to enter the Army, for example, you may opt to take the practice Army aptitude test online. This particular test provide specific practice test for Army to simulate actual Australian army test questions in the aptitude exam. Apart from Army online test preparation, there also are available sample practice tests for other military branches.

The good thing about these online sample exams is that they provide aptitude questions with solutions which simulate what might reflect in the real aptitude test. Since solutions are provided, they could serve as a guide or reviewer for the applicant before sitting at the actual test. If you’re lucky, these questions may actually appear in the real aptitude test. If they won’t, still these practice test will serve as the right guide for the actual examination.

Again, there are a lot of sample Australian Defence Force aptitude test free in the internet, so you just have to carefully look for the right guides and programs that will really be helpful for you.