6-8 November 2023

Australasian Logic Colloquium

Hybrid (Zoom and University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus, Brisbane)


A three-day hybrid conference bringing together logicians working in mathematical, computational or philosophical logic.


The Australasian Logic Colloquium (ALC) 2023 aims to bring together logicians, either based in Australasia or with the desire to connect with logicians based in Australasia, working in mathematical, computational, or philosophical logic. The Colloquium is intended to provide a platform for presentation and exchange of ideas. Thus, we invite contributions in all areas of logic, especially if you would like to advertise your best results to logicians outside your own subfield. We welcome published or unpublished work.

If you would like to present a paper at this conference, either online or in person please submit a 1-2 page abstract that explains what the talk is about to the organizers: Guillermo Badia (g.badia@uq.edu.au) and Sasha Rubin (sasha.rubin@sydney.edu.au).

The soft deadline for submission is 1 August 2023.

After the ALC, there will be an open call for papers for a special issue of the Journal of Logic and Computation. Submission of papers is encouraged but not a necessary condition for presenting at the conference.

This meeting is sponsored by the Association for Symbolic Logic. Student ASL members may apply for (limited) ASL travel funds (see here).  The requirement is strict that they must be members of the ASL in order to apply, and applications must be received three months prior to the start of the meeting.  Shannon Miller, the ASL administrator, is a good source of information and answers. 


Keynote Speakers

University of Barcelona (Mathematics)

Technical University of Vienna and Polish Academy of Sciences

(Computer Science)

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

(Computer Science)



The Venue

The University of Queensland, St Lucia Campus, Brisbane

Room 03-309 - Steele Building, Learning Theatre 

You can get to the venue by public transport with bus 66. You will need to purchase a go card in order to use public transport in Queensland.



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