The KREWE (Staff)
Tova Charles, a powerhouse performing spoken word artist that has been taking the Slam community by storm since 2008. Born in Lafayette, LA but raised in Austin, TX. The daughter of a Librarian and Zydeco Percussionist, life
was never boring. She gained her passion for writing from her mother and her passion for performing from her father. In spring 2003 she had the pleasure of being inducted in Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., one of the original Historically Black Sororities. She is not only a great writer but performer as well. She is a mom of two busy children, Harper and Harlem.
During the day she is a Assistant Principle of Humanities and she is now the Creative Director and CEO of Austin Poetry Slam since 2015.
She has performed all over the country and has participated in national Slams including:
2009 National Poetry Slam, Placing 5th overall, Austin Neo- Soul Poetry Slam
2010 National Poetry Slam, Semi-Finalist , Austin Poetry Slam
2010 Southwest Shootout, Austin Poetry Slam
Finalist of 2010 Rock The Republic Festival
2011 & 12 Slam Champ of the University of Houston Scarlet Poetry Slam Team
Finalist of 2011 Woman of the World Poetry Slam, Placing 10th overall
2013 National Poetry Slam, Placed 5th overall, Austin Poetry Slam
She is a Graduate of the University of Houston with a BA in English literature and M.ED from Huston-Tillotson University.
Check out for more events!
Christopher Michael (Poet For Hire), has been a regular at Austin Poetry Slam since he won his FIRST Grand Slam title in 2005. MC, champion, host, writer, author, educator, publisher, pappy, professor veteran, nurse and international literary artist. Christopher Michael uses poetry to address mental health, relationship accountability, and black American history. He’s done more in poetry than most poets know can be done. He’s the resident host at Austin Slam, EncoreATX and Master Piece’s For Love of Words (F.L.O.W.) Show case and F.L.O.W. International. You can follow him on all social media @mrmicahel310, check him out at and take a little bit of him home with you at His latest book “Black Type Poems” will take you the poetic ride that you deserve. HOOTIE HOOO…
Rachel Z - Social Media Manager
Mr. Dave - Minister of Records
Sunni Soper, Host
Sunni Soper is a poet, the editor for 310 Brown Street, and an artist. She released her cd For Public Consumption in 2014 with multiple collaborations and has been on the APS staff since 2016.
Contact info:
@sunni.soper on all social media