Rockstar Game Launcher


Hi, I've just updated my game after rockstar said to download the new launcher on,14.08.2020 after doing so I cant play gta5 with mods anymore as the launcher keeps checking for mods and now I've found out it won't let you play offline anymore either.

can someone help me play the mods again and bypass this launcher by rockstar, please?

You mean the launcher keeps updating the game files to back to Vanilla? If that's the case, you are modding the game wrong. Never mod Vanilla files. Make a mods folder and copy the update.rpf file into it and mod it there. It won't check for files. If you get the message saying that there are files that could get you banned coming from the launcher, just ignore it. Don't play online is all it takes.

@Algonquin1234 I've just done what you said to put the update.RPF into the mods folder, come to start it with no internet and it directs me straight to the new launcher, so I've tried to start the game from there with the internet off and it says offline mode no connection and nothing I can't start it the way I used to because of this new launcher that's like steam where it loads your games up and you have to launch them from there I'm not sure if everyone has had this yet. also what else goes in the mods folder, please.

Yeah. The new launcher prevents you from loading the game in offline mode. I think it's to prevent piracy. They want you online forcefully to confirm 100% it's a legit copy. It's a bunch of bs. Any mod that requires a change in files you would put into the mods folder. For example, a mod says you need to extract a file into the common.rpf files. So you would copy that into the mods folder and edit it using OpenIV. If you want to edit any sounds, copy the X64 file in the GTA V root directory and paste into the mods folder. Honestly, it depends on the mod what to put into the mods folder.

@Algonquin1234 still no joy they piss me off what harm are we doing when we are offline, do I have to put scripthook v and others into the mods folder as my game is retail with the disks and I need to get past the launcher I've also got my car mods in the dlc folder too will they be ok there .

I have tried to launch GTA V for about 3 hours now, restarted my pc twice and i'm giving up. This "launcher" barely launches shit. Sometimes it's online, sometimes offline, sometimes gta is not able to run, next an instance is already running, sick of this shit.

Hey everyone, I have an old account which was made when I was younger that is linked to my playstation network account. I don't remember the password to the social club account but can still login from a navigator since I can just login with the PSN. But on the actual launcher this option doesn't seem present. Did I miss it ? If not is there any work around ? I'd love to transfer my progress from ps4 to PC.

At around 1:30pm Central US time, Rockstar released a launcher update that flagged my malwarebytes. Deleting the launcher folder manually and reinstalling with Malwarebytes malware detection turned off allowed the reinstall and update to complete, but the next scan quarantined it again.

the old social club launcher for GTA V used to have some problems starting or towards the end of the download where some stopping and resuming often fixed it for me but i think this is just some rockstar launcher or rockstar download server issue but maybe someone can find something in your log

While downloading _____ (I own it through the launcher and am downloading it with that), a sort of 1________________ 2_____________________________________ or so.

I don't know what is going on. I admit I have a sh*tty internet connection, but I have installed the game before and without launcher (just the Social Club thing that was present before the Launcher debut).

In the past i've used command lines such as 3_______ and 4__________________ and it would work, because it gave me this kind of problem then too, but now with the new launcher I don't know what to do and the

I have already opened the Rocktar Support suggested ports in my router, restarted it many times, tried to open the launcher with administrator privileges, tried to limit the download bandwidth, but still no luck.

I am having the exact same problem myself with an update they put out either for the launcher or the game. Everytime i launch the launcher the update starts and just as it knears the end of the update it stops and an error message appears. I have tried a number of things to fix this problem but they just dont work. I came to this forum looking for answers myself but it looks as though you are having the same amount of luck as i am having which is basicly coming to a dead end when it comes to fixing the problem. Can anyone please help!

Hey there, yeah I know. I fixed my problem by myself though. I had to smash the Retry button everytime but somehow I managed to download the update. However, some days ago I had an issue just like yours because of a new small update. I fixed by canceling the update, closing the launcher and then by deleting the GTA5.exe in the installation folder. I restarted the launcher and it redownloaded the whole update again (it was around ~75MB) and at the end it worked.

Not sure, but as a guess I would say no. Let me explain. I purchased Grand Theft Auto 5 on Steam. I then received Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for free in the launcher. If I go to Steam and search for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas in the Steam store, nothing shows and I only have the opition to buy the game.

I can confirm that once I installed the RockStar Launcher, GTA 5 will alway's default to the launcher for startup. I generally just go in my Steam menu to start GTA 5 as I'm just use to doing it this way.

One thing that I would like to mention is that anyone who is thinking about waiting for the Steam release will have to wait an extra month. Those who pre-order through the launcher, will only have to wait just over 2 weeks from now.

Have you heard anything on the stream preorder deals? Like if they are going to have some or not? I have not been able to find any information on this myself. I would much rather use Steam than go through Rockstar's launcher.

I haven't heard anything. I think these's deals are more just so RockStar Games can pull as many people to their launcher as possible. Hopefully, RockStar will give Steam user's some free perks as well.

I would not expect it to do that. Here is an example of another game.

I bought Grim Dawn off Good Old Games. GOG has a similar achievement system like Steam does. As I play the game, I earn achievements that pop up in the GOG overlay. If I look at the GOG launcher it lists my achievements. I am able to add a non steam game to my steam library. But it's just a short cut added. So I added my GOG version of Grim Dawn to my Steam library. And it's just a short cut. 

I then buy the Steam version of Grim Dawn. That lists right alongside in my library my GOG version of Grim Dawn. But only the Steam version of Grim Dawn lists achievements when viewed in the Steam client.



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