Publications: Unlocking the Power of AuSIS Data
AuSIS data has played a pivotal role in many scientific publications, demonstrating the profound significance of the AuSIS network.
Explore this curated list of research publications to investigate the impact of AuSIS data.
Allen, T.I., 2022. A Far‐Field Ground‐Motion Model for the North Australian Craton from Plate‐Margin Earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 112(2), pp.1041-1059
Allen, T., Carapetis, A., Bathgate, J., Ghasemi, H., Pejić, T. and Moseley, A., 2019. Real‐time community internet intensity maps and ShakeMaps for Australian earthquakes. In Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2019 Conference
Attanayake, J., Sandiford, D., Schleicher, L.S., Jones, A., Gibson, G. and Sandiford, M., 2019. Interacting intraplate fault systems in Australia: The 2012 Thorpdale, Victoria, seismic sequences. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(5), pp.4673-4693.
Ba, K., Gao, S.S., Liu, K.H., Kong, F. and Song, J., 2020. Receiver function imaging of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities beneath the Australian continent. Geophysical Journal International, 220(3), pp.1481-1490.
Ba, K., 2021. Receiver function imaging of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities and seismic azimuthal anisotropy revealed by shear wave splitting beneath the Australian continent. Missouri University of Science and Technology.
Birkey, A., Ford, H.A., Dabney, P. and Goldhagen, G., 2021. The lithospheric architecture of Australia from seismic receiver functions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(4), p.e2020JB020999.
Birkey, A.J., 2022. Mysteries of the Deep: A Multi-Scale Investigation of the Earth's Interior. University of California, Riverside.
Borleis, E. and Dimas, V.A., 2015 Fraser Island Earthquake Sequence.
Clark, D.J., Brennand, S., Brenn, G., Allen, T.I., Garthwaite, M.C. and Standen, S., 2019. The 2018 Lake Muir earthquake sequence, southwest Western Australia: Rethinking Australian stable continental region earthquakes. Solid Earth.
De Laat, J.I., Lebedev, S., Celli, N.L., Bonadio, R., Chagas de Melo, B. and Rawlinson, N., 2023. Structure and evolution of the Australian plate and underlying upper mantle from waveform tomography with massive data sets. Geophysical Journal International, 234(1), pp.153-189.
Dent, V. and Love, D., 2019. Seismicity in 2019 in the Great Southern region of Western Australia. In Proc. AEES 2019, Conference.
Diaz, J., Schimmel, M., Ruiz, M. and Carbonell, R., 2020. Seismometers within cities: A tool to connect earth sciences and society. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, p.9.
Donner, S., Steinberg, A., Lehr, J., Pilger, C., Hupe, P., Gaebler, P., Ross, J.O., Eibl, E.P.S., Heimann, S., Rebscher, D. and Plenefisch, T., 2023. The January 2022 Hunga Volcano explosive eruption from the multitechnological perspective of CTBT monitoring. Geophysical Journal International, 235(1), pp.48-73.
Eakin, C.M., Davies, D.R., Ghelichkhan, S., O'Donnell, J.P. and Agrawal, S., 2023. The influence of lithospheric thickness variations beneath Australia on seismic anisotropy and mantle flow. Authorea Preprints.
Ferguson, B. and Van Gent, D., 2017. A multi-level, multi-platform approach to communications on the South West Hub CCS project. Energy Procedia, 114, pp.7260-7275
Ghasemi, H. and Allen, T., 2021. Engineering ground‐motion database for western and central Australia. In Australian Society of Earthquake Engineering 2021 Virtual Conference.
Glubokovskikh, S., Pevzner, R., Sidenko, E., Tertyshnikov, K., Gurevich, B., Shatalin, S., Slunyaev, A. and Pelinovsky, E., 2021. Downhole distributed acoustic sensing provides insights into the structure of short‐period ocean‐generated seismic wavefield. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(12), p.e2020JB021463.
Gorbatov, A., Hejrani, B., Zhang, F., Medlin, A., Costelloe, M., Bugden, C., Kennett, B.L.N., Reading, A.M., Rawlinson, N., Dentith, M.C. and Yuan, H., 2020. AusArray: quality passive seismic data to underpin updatable national velocity models of the lithosphere. Geoscience Australia.
Heath, P., O’Donnell, J., Robertson, K. and Wise, T., 2020. Geological Survey of South Australia: SAEMC 2020, AusArray SA, Central Delamerian Broadband MT transect. Preview, 2020(209), pp.19-21.
Hejrani, B. and Tkalčić, H., 2020. Resolvability of the centroid‐moment‐tensors for shallow seismic sources and improvements from modeling high‐frequency waveforms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(7), p.e2020JB019643.
Hoult, R.D., Pascale, A., Jones, A. and Allen, T., 2021, November. The MW 5.9 Woods Point earthquake: A preliminary investigation of the ground motion observations. In Proceedings of the Australian Earthquake Engineering Society 2021 Conference, Virtual (pp. 25-26).
Hoult, R., Allen, T., Borleis, E., Peck, W. and Amirsardari, A., 2021. Source and attenuation properties of the 2012 Moe, southeastern Australia, earthquake sequence. Seismological Research Letters, 92(2A), pp.1112-1128.
Issa, N., Saygin, E., Lumley, D.E. and Hoskin, T.E., 2016, December. Seismic Structure of Perth Basin (Australia) and surroundings from Passive Seismic Deployments. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2016, pp. S41A-2764).
Khan, A., Denton, P., Stevenson, J. and Bossu, R., 2018. Engaging citizen seismologists worldwide.
Kennett, B.L.N., Saygin, E. and Salmon, M., 2015. Stacking autocorrelograms to map Moho depth with high spatial resolution in southeastern Australia. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(18), pp.7490-7497.
Kennett, B.L., Gorbatov, A., Yuan, H., Agrawal, S., Murdie, R., Doublier, M.P., Eakin, C.M., Miller, M.S., Zhao, L., Czarnota, K. and O’Donnell, J.P., 2023. Refining the Moho across the Australian continent. Geophysical Journal International, 233(3), pp.1863-1877.
Kennett, B., Chopping, R. and Blewett, R., 2018. The Australian continent: A geophysical synthesis. ANU Press.
Lin, X., Yuan, H., Dentith, M.C., Murdie, R., Gessner, K. and Nayak, A., 2021. Improved full waveform moment tensor inversion of Cratonic intraplate earthquakes in southwest Australia. Geophysical Journal International, 227(1), pp.123-145.
Love, D., Gibson, G., Lade, B. and Wallace, A., The Murrayville Earthquake ML5. 0 8th October 2021.
Love, David, and Eric Love. "A Review of the ML (SA) Greenhalgh Magnitude Scale (SA) Greenhalgh Magnitude Scale."
Matoza, R.S., Fee, D., Assink, J.D., Iezzi, A.M., Green, D.N., Kim, K., Toney, L., Lecocq, T., Krishnamoorthy, S., Lalande, J.M. and Nishida, K., 2022. Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga. Science, 377(6601), pp.95-100.
McCue, K., 2016. The Bredbo NSW earthquake near Canberra, 31 January 2016.
Metz, M., Vera, F., Ponce, A.C., Cesca, S., Babeyko, A., Dahm, T., Saul, J. and Tilmann, F., 2022. Seismic and Tsunamigenic Characteristics of a Multimodal Rupture of Rapid and Slow Stages. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127.
Miller, M.S., Pickle, R., Murdie, R., Yuan, H., Allen, T.I., Gessner, K., Kennett, B.L. and Whitney, J., 2023. Southwest Australia Seismic Network (SWAN): Recording Earthquakes in Australia’s Most Active Seismic Zone. Seismological Research Letters.
Moresi, L.N., Miller, M.S., Salmon, M., Pickle, R.C. and Mousavi, S., 2020, December. A cheap and cheerful, open source dashboard for the global effort to monitor seismic noise variations through the COVID-19 pandemic. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2020, pp. S003-0002).
Mousavi, S., Hejrani, B., Miller, M.S. and Salmon, M., 2023. Hypocenter, Fault Plane, and Rupture Characterization of Australian Earthquakes: Application to the September 2021 M w 5.9 Woods Point Earthquake. Seismological Society of America.
Murdie, R., Pickle, R., Yuan, H., Love, D., Dent, V., Miller, M.S. and Whitney, J., 2022. Observations from the 2022 Arthur River, Western Australia, earthquake swarm. In Proc. AEES 2002 Conference, Mount Macedon, VIC.
Murdie, R., Yuan, H., Miller, M.S., Pickle, R., Salmon, M. and Whitney, J., 2022. Rapid deployment for earthquake aftershock monitoring in southwest Western Australia–the Arthur River swarm 2022. Preview, 2022(217), pp.39-41.
O’Donnell, J., Thiel, S., Robertson, K., Gorbatov, A. and Eakin, C., 2020. Using seismic tomography to inform mineral exploration in South Australia: the AusArray SA broadband seismic array. MESA J., 93, pp.24-31.
O’Donnell, J.P., Agrawal, S., Eakin, C.M., Thiel, S., Brand, K., Gorbatov, A. and Goleby, B., 2023. Mapping crustal structure across southern Australia using seismic ambient noise tomography. Gondwana Research.
O’Donnell, J.P. and Robertson, K., 2021. Geological Survey of South Australia: The AusArray SA passive seismic array and new MT data. Preview, 2021(212), pp.31-32.
Porritt, R.W., Miller, M.S., O'Driscoll, L.J., Harris, C.W., Roosmawati, N. and da Costa, L.T., 2016. Continent–arc collision in the Banda Arc imaged by ambient noise tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449, pp.246-258.
Salmon, M., Balfour, N. and Sambridge, M., 2015. Australian seismometers in schools. In Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
Salmon, M., Miller, M.S., Mousavi, S. and Moresi, L.N., 2020, December. Urban Noise-The benefits of broadband seismometers in schools. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2020, pp. S004-03).
Sidenko, E., 2022. Advanced downhole geophysical monitoring of subsurface changes with fibre-optic sensors (Doctoral dissertation, Curtin University).
Sidenko, E., Tertyshnikov, K., Gurevich, B., Isaenkov, R., Ricard, L.P., Sharma, S., Van Gent, D. and Pevzner, R., 2022. Distributed fiber-optic sensing transforms an abandoned well into a permanent geophysical monitoring array: A case study from Australian South West. The Leading Edge, 41(2), pp.140-148.
Sidenko, E., Tertyshnikov, K., Gurevich, B., Isaenkov, R., Ricard, L.P., Sharma, S., Van Gent, D. and Pevzner, R., 2022. Distributed fiber-optic sensing transforms an abandoned well into a permanent geophysical monitoring array: A case study from Australian South West. The Leading Edge, 41(2), pp.140-148.
Sippl, C., Kennett, B.L.N., Tkalčić, H., Spaggiari, C.V. and Gessner, K., 2015. New constraints on the current stress field and seismic velocity structure of the eastern Yilgarn Craton from mechanisms of local earthquakes. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62(8), pp.921-931.
Steinberg, A., Sudhaus, H. and Krüger, F., 2023. Using teleseismic backprojection and InSAR to obtain segmentation information for large earthquakes: a case study of the 2016 M w 6.6 Muji earthquake. Geophysical Journal International, 232(3), pp.1482-1502.
Tang, Y. and Mai, P.M., 2023. Stochastic Ground-Motion Simulation of the 2021 Mw 5.9 Woods Point Earthquake: Facilitating Local Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in Australia.
Xie, Y., Meng, L., Zhou, T., Xu, L., Bao, H. and Chu, R., 2022. The 2021 Mw 7.3 East Cape Earthquake: Triggered Rupture in Complex Faulting Revealed by Multi‐Array Back‐Projections. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(20), p.e2022GL099643.
Xu, L., Yunjun, Z., Ji, C., Meng, L., Fielding, E.J., Zinke, R. and Bao, H., 2023. Understanding the Rupture Kinematics and Slip Model of the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo Earthquake: A Bilateral Event on Bifurcating Faults. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(4), p.e2022JB025936.
Xu, L. and Meng, L., 2023. Expanding the Range of Back-Projections: Core Phase Approach for Southern Hemisphere Earthquake Imaging. Authorea
Branzov, T., Ivanova, K. and Milousheva, V., 2020. SERVICE APPROACH TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE EDUCATIONAL PRODUCTS IN THE NATIONAL GEOINFORMATION CENTER OF BULGARIA. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 20(2.1), pp.291-300.
Bloxsome, B., Van Gent, D., Stalker, L. and Ferguson, B., 2017. A collaborative approach to school community engagement with a local CCS project. Energy Procedia, 114, pp.7295-7309.
Chiu, Y.C., Jen, C.H., Chang, C.Y., Lee, P.L. and Yeh, T.K., 2016. Learning seismology through inquiry: Structured, guided, or both?. Seismological Research Letters, 87(4), pp.998-1007.
Johnston, D., Kaiser, L., Mestel, E., Illsley-Kemp, F., Tapuke, K., Smith, B., Leonard, G., Prasanna, R., Tan, M., Alger, B. and Becker, J., 2021. Improving earthquake resilience in the Taupō Volcanic Zone (TVZ) using school-based seismometers and connected education programmes.
Khan, A., Denton, P., Stevenson, J. and Bossu, R., 2018. Engaging citizen seismologists worldwide.
Lebedev, S., Bonadio, R., Gómez-García, C., de Laat, J., Bérdi, L., Chagas de Melo, B., Farrell, D., Stalling, D., Tirel, C., Collins, L. and McCarthy, S., 2019. Education and public engagement using an active research project: lessons and recipes from the SEA-SEIS North Atlantic Expedition's programme for Irish schools. Geoscience Communication Discussions, 2019, pp.1-17.
Mutlu, A.K., Tugsal, U.M. and Dindar, A.A., 2022. Utilizing an Arduino‐Based Accelerometer in Civil Engineering Applications in Undergraduate Education. Seismological Research Letters, 93(2A), pp.1037-1045.
Saraò, A., Clocchiatti, M., Barnaba, C. and Zuliani, D., 2016. Using an Arduino seismograph to raise awareness of earthquake hazard through a multidisciplinary approach. Seismological Research Letters, 87(1), pp.186-192
Subedi, S., Hetényi, G., Denton, P. and Sauron, A., 2020. Seismology at school in Nepal: A program for educational and citizen seismology through a low-cost seismic network. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, p.73.
Tataru, D., Zaharia, B., Grecu, B., Tibu, S., Brisan, N. and Georgescu, E.S., 2016. Seismology in Romanian Schools: education, outreach, monitoring and research. Romanian reports in physics, 68(4), pp.1589-1602.
Zaharia, Bogdan, Dragos Tataru, Bogdan Grecu, and Cristian Neagoe. "10 years of Romanian Educational Seismic Network."