What motivated me to start this project?

For years I was sure that teaching could be more fulfilling than just standing in a class teaching and being bored because of the same routine year in and out.

As I was introduced to technology I started to experiment with certain technology systems.

First by building my own computer and later by attending Edtech workshops and seminars where I was introduced to the wonderful possibilities of innovative teaching and streamlined school administration.

After years of trying I finally found a willing and enthuastic partner in my current principal, Mr. Joubert, and I was finally able to introduce Interactive Whiteboards, an internal school e mail system, one on one staff training and support system to Aurora Primary School.

By ongoing and continuous research I discovered a whole new world of teaching and teaching methods that I started to implement in my classrooms and was delighted by the positive reaction of the learners.

Suddenly being in a class is a delightful and an enjoyable experience.

Full version of video presentation

Full presentation.mp4