Welcome to my web page!

I am Assistant Professor of Statistics (RTD-A, SECS-S/01) at the Department of Statistical Science of the Catholic University of the Sacred Hearth in Milan.

I am also Research Affiliate at Collegio Carlo Alberto (Turin, IT) as part of the "de Castro" Statistics Initiative.

Previously, I have been carrying out research as Scientific Officer - Computational Statistician at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, where I was part of the project Epidemics: Dynamics and Control.

I also worked as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Turin supervised by Professor Matteo Ruggiero and obtained my Ph.D. in Statistics at Bocconi University (Milan, IT) in 2021, under the supervision of Professors Daniele Durante and Igor PrĂ¼nster.

My research interests range from Mathematical Statistics to Machine Learning, with a particular focus on computational methods for Bayesian inference. More specifically, I am working on:

I have also been a board member of the young section of the Italian Statistical Society (y-SIS) and I am a member of the following statistical groups and societies:

e-mail: augusto.fasano <at> unicatt.it, augusto.fasano <at> carloalberto.org


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