Why e-sport?

Because we just can. We play overwatch, we enjoy it, so we just thought we'd start a team. Yeah, that's all, if you were expecting something more, I'm sorry.


Matyas Hraje

Matyas Hraje, a master fighter who controls the forces of gravity, can change the direction and strength of gravity, thus gaining an unexpected advantage in battle.



TenBezRuky, the team's fearless leader, is able to overcome the impossible with his team and bring them back to life, even when all seems lost.


An experienced war medic, Maty can save lives in the harshest combat conditions, making him a key member of the team on the battlefield.



A fearless creator of traps and snares, PududuCSSR can slow down even the fastest enemies with incredible skill.


Dominát0r353, a brilliant tactician, and Bob, a relentless fighter, form a deadly duo that eliminates their enemies with perfect precision.


Karlosos always finds his target from a distance and eliminates them without hesitation, making him one of the biggest scares on the battlefield.