Phases and Dynamics of Interacting Quantum Particles 

Assa Auerbach, Technion

Course of six lectures on strongly interacting systems at University of Oklahoma.

Supplemental materials

Additional materials to the course lectures can be downloaded here:

Chapters 1-3.pdf

Second quantization.pdf


From Band theory to the Hubbard, tJ and Heisenberg model. Wannier States, second quantization, strong interaction expansion. (2 lectures)

The quantum Heisenberg model. Ordered and disordered ground states. Spin wave theory. Haldane Gap.  (2 lectures)

Superfluidity. Negative-U Hubbard model. Bose coherent states. Ginzburg Landau theory (2 lectures)

Schedule of lectures

Week 1: Tuesday, September 19, noon-1pm, LH 105 (Lecture 1)

Week2: Tuesday, September 26, noon-1pm, LH 105 (Lecture 2);  Friday, September 29, noon-1pm, LH 105 (Lecture 3)

Week 3: Tuesday, October 03, noon-1pm, LH 105 (Lecture 4); Friday, October 06, noon-1pm, LH 105 (Lecture 5)

Week 4: Tuesday, October 10, noon-1pm, LH 105 (Lecture 6)