Awards & Honors

Davidson Fellow

July 2020

1st Place Life Sciences Category Winner at the National Junior Science and Humanities Symposium

April 2020

Top 300 Scholar for the Regeneron Science Talent Search

February 2020

Nebraska Junior Academy of Sciences State Finalist. Placed Top 10 and won 6 special awards.

June 2020

Top 5 Winner at the Metropolitan Science and Engineering Fair

March 2020

JSHS Regional Symposium Finalist

March 2020

Earth Day Omaha "Friend of the Environment" Award Winner

April 2020

Haddix STEM Corridor Scholar

August 2019

2020 Coca-Cola Scholar

March 2020

Nebraska Delegate at National Youth Science Camp (Virtual)

June 2020

Featured in the American Bee Journal (1/2)

November 2020

Featured in the American Bee Journal (2/2)

November 2020