

The "Rencontres Montagnes & Sciences" is a film festival telling stories about scientific adventures related to mountains (glaciers, volcanoes,...). During the 2024 edition in Clermont-Ferrand, I had the opportunity to discuss with the audience how scientists study volcanoes, how to become a volcanologist, and what are the current challenges and big questions in our field of research. About 2,000 people came throughout the day: students with their teachers in the morning and afternoon, and a wider audience in the evening. As a bonus, I got to wear the field volcanologist suit! For more info: The festival website; The Echosciences-auvergne website

De la catastrophe de la montagne Pelée en 1902 à la prévention et la mémoire des risques volcaniques à la Martinique - Article on the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelée

Published in May 2023 in Risques Infos #45 by the Institut des Risques Majeurs

Available here (pp 36-38), in french

Eruptive history of Mount Pelée

Public conference on May 14, 2022 in St Pierre, Martinique for the Scientific Meeting OVSM-IPGP-PREST 

(first 45 minutes of the video, in french)

SAILING EXPEDITION "Mediterranean sea: ring of fire": Aug 29 - Sept 12, 2021

This 15 days sailing expedition, organized by Cercle Aventure, aimed at reaching Sicily (via the Aeolian islands) from Port Camargue (south of France). During the trip, we've climbed 3 volcanoes (Stromboli, Vulcano and Etna) and shot several videos to both disseminate knowledge about volcanism and increase the general public awareness about marine biodiversity and ocean pollution.

The crew was composed of 3 women experts in marine environment (from the Grau-du-Roi Seaquarium), 4 firemen, and 1 volcanologist (me!), and the expedition was certified environment friendly (Écogestes Méditerranée).

To see some videos about our expedition, go to the Facebook page of Cercle Aventure.

Article on the St Vincent eruption, 2021

Available here (in french) and here (in english)

Article in the CCR Scientific Report, 2021

For the International Women's Day (Journée internationale des droits des femmes) on March 8, 2021, the IPGP interviewed 4 women researchers and ask them about their career and their challenges as women in Science. My interview is visible here (in french), and click there to see the main video of the event. 

Scientific mediation at the Palais de la Découverte, Paris (France)

The Palais de la Découverte is a museum located in the west wing of the Grand Palais, in Paris. Created in 1937, the museum is fully dedicated to Science, with both permanent and temporary exhibitions on mathematics, physics, biology, geology, astronomy and chemistry. 

During my PhD, I had the opportunity to work there as a scientific mediator (from September 2017 to August 2019) and to give 1h-long presentations, to participate to special events like the Young Researchers week, and to write an outreach article for the Découverte magazine.

1H-long presentations on volcanism and plate tectonics

The different presentations allowed making current scientific knowledge about Earth Sciences accessible to both students (from 4th to 12th grade) and adults while keeping a constant interaction with the audience (via small experiments for example). One of our goals was also to deconstruct some popular misconsceptions often transmitted through movies and/or medias, and talk about new discoveries.

participation to the young researchers week (may 2019) 

This annual event spotlights several PhD students who present their research work using two types of presentations: a challenging talk called "my PhD in 10 minutes", and a more intimate format called "discussion with a young researcher" (involving a boardgame and small experiments - see below). During one week, we presented our work to a general audience and to students from 6th to 12th grade.

During the young researchers week, I designed a small-scaled experiment easily showing the difference between a stable plume produced by a powerful Plinian eruption and a collapsing column generating pyroclastic currents (see my Research page). These experiments are easily reproducible at home or during classes, and can serve as an introduction to volcanology, and to the different risks associated with explosive volcanic eruptions (ashfall VS pyroclastic flows). You can download the "recipe" there (in French; all rights reserved).