
A Musician & Teacher

I am Audrey Bearden, otherwise known as Mrs. Bearden to my students. I am a student teacher from Saginaw Valley State University in my last semester of my B.A. in Music Education. I will be graduating in May of 2024. I am a wife, an oldest sister and daughter, a growing musician and teacher in training. 

I am a soprano vocalist with multiple years of classical training in voice under Dr. Kevin Simons, Rachelle Austin-Fergin, and Erin Whitfield. I am also a wind player, primarily in the woodwind family. Notably I play clarinet and saxophone, and some flute.  Besides singing in both the SVSU Concert Choir and SVSU Cardinal Singers, I previously played with the SVSU Jazz Ensemble. 

I am also a young conductor of choral music, having prepared and conducted three pieces for two choral concerts at SVSU and at off-campus concerts. My conducting training comes from Dr. Norman Wika and Dr. Leticia Grutzmann. 

From January 2024 to April 2024, I will be student teaching at Midland Public Schools with a choral director in high school and middle school. 
