Privacy Policy: (Updated: Feb 08, 2023)

Audacity IT Solutions Limited built the app as a Freemium app. This SERVICE is provided by Audacity IT Solutions Limited at no cost and is intended for use as is.

This page is used to inform visitors regarding our policies. We will not use or share or collect your information with anyone.

The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which are accessible at CollageIn: Photo Collage Maker unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

What information we collect:

Personal Information:

Location information:

Device Information:

Your Privacy

Do we use cookies?

What data is disclosed to outside parties?

What about user consent?

What about changes to the privacy policy?

Third-Party Sites and Services

We encourage you to review the privacy policies of every third-party service that you visit or use, including those third parties you interact with through our services. To learn more about third-party services. No data specific to the end user will be shared or sold to third parties.

Children’s Privacy

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Permission :

The app will ask you for permission before using the application. Below are details of that permission:

1) Camera Access: Users can take a photo with phone camera and edit.

2) Photo Library Access: Users can choose photos from the photo library and save after editing.

3) Push Notification: To inform users when something new is launched in the application.


Email Us: 

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us: