Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How to register for the International Conference to reserve your seats?

Ans. There are some steps you must follow. First, you need to fill out your information, which includes your email address. Once all the required information is filled, you will then receive the zoom link through your email address.

2. Due to the COVID-19 situation, and the 2022 AUA Academic Conference is virtual, which aims to create and equal opportunity for all, we decided to make it a free conference for all (both AUA members and non-AUA members). Because the conference is free and participants can register even 5 minutes before the event, what’s the benefit of registering ahead of time?

Ans. This is to reserve your seat! We highly suggested that you register ahead of time, because the seats are limited to 1,000 for both AUA members and non-AUA members. However, if AUA members want to attend our virtual conference after the registration is closed, you have an option to attend by e-mailing us at aua2022.edu@chula.ac.th and let us know which talk you'd love to attend, and we'll send you the zoom link for that specific talk and you can happily join us as well. We will try to accommodate AUA members as much as we can.

However, for all participants, please pre-register before the event ahead of time to secure your seat.