
When can I submit?

Our theme and submission period for Issue XXVIII will be announced in late September 2020. Check the calendar under our Event page for more details, including our Editor Workshops.

Where can I submit?

Send your submissions to!

What can I submit?


We accept up to five art submissions per individual. Include all submissions in one email. Submission titles should be formatted as [Last Name, First Name]_ [Title]_[Medium]

Any medium is acceptable as long as you submit a clear photo or scan of the work with a minimum resolution of 300 ppi.


We accept up to three lit submissions per individual. Include all submissions in one email. Submission titles should be formatted as [Last Name, First Name]_[Title]

Both poetry & prose is accepted and we welcome more experimental forms. We have a hard limit of 2,500 words per submission. Please submit in doc or docx --if you are worried about formatting, include a note and we will work with you.

Pro Tip: Make sure that your submission is in line with our quarterly theme and remember to help vote for the next one on our social media!