
1. On the first initial-boundary value problem of the generalized Burgers’ equations. Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ., 10 (1974), 209-233. 

2. The existence and uniqueness of the solution of equations describing compressible viscous fluid flow in a domain. Proc. Japan Acad., 52 (1976), 334-337. 

3. On the first initial-boundary value problem of compressible viscous fluid motion. Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ., 13 (1977), 193-253. 

4. On the asymptotic behavior for the solution of one model of one-dimensional compressible viscous fluid flow. Keio Math. Sem. Rep., 3 (1978), 69-76. 

5. On the free boundary value problem for compressible viscous fluid motion. J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 21 (1981), 839-859. 

6. The initial value problem for the equations of motion of general fluids with some slip boundary condition. Keio Math. Sem. Rep., 8 (1983), 77-83. 

7. Free boundary problems for the equations of motion of general fluids. In: Recent Topics in Nonlinear PDE, 1983, edited by M. Mimura, T. Nishida and K. Masuda. Lecture Notes in Num. Appl. Anal., No. 6, North-Holland/Kinokuniya, 1983, 211-219. 

8. Two-phase free boundary problem for compressible viscous fluid motion. J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 24 (1984), 243-267. 

9. Multi-phase free boundary problem for the equations of motion of general fluids. Comm. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 26 (1985), 201-208.

10. The initial value problem for the equations of the motion of compressible viscous fluid with some slip boundary condition. In: Patterns and Waves - Qualitative analysis of nonlinear differential equations, edited by T. Nishida, M. Mimura and H. Fujii. Studies in Mathematics and its Applications, 18, NorthHolland/Kinokuniya, 1986, 675-685. 

11. Free boundary problems for general fluids. In: Evolution Equations and its Applications, edited by Y. Kômura. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 698, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 1989, 146-170. 

12. Free boundary problem for Navier-Stokes equations of a compressible fluid flow with a surface tension. (In Russian). Zap. Nauchn. Semin. LOMI, 182 (1990), 142-148. (with V. A. Solonnikov) 

13. The initial value problem for the equations of motion of general slip boundary condition. In: Mathematical Analysis of Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, edited by S. Ukai and K. Asano. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 734, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 1990, 123-142. 

14. Free boundary problem for a viscous compressible flow with a surface tension. In: Constantin Carathéodory: International Tribute, edited by Th. M. Rassias. World Scientific Publ. Co., 1991, 1270- 1309. (with V. A. Solonnikov) 

15. Global existence of incompressible viscous capillary fluid flow in a field of external forces. In: Nonlinear PDE-JAPAN Symposium, 1989, edited by K. Masuda, T. Nishida and M. Mimura. Lecture Notes in Num. Appl. Anal., No. 11, North-Holland/Kinokuniya, 1991, 153-185.

16. Evolution free boundary problem for equations of motion of viscous compressible barotropic liquid. In: The Navier-Stokes Equations II - Theory and Numerical Methods, edited by J. Heywood, K. Masuda, R. Rautmann and V. A. Solonnikov. Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 1530, Springer-Verlag, 1993, 30-55. (with V. A. Solonnikov) 

17. Large-time existence of compressible viscous and heat-conductive surface waves. In: Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, edited by S. Ukai and K. Asano. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 824, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 1993, 138-150. (with N. Tanaka)

18. Equilibrium figures of slowly rotating viscous compressible barotropic capillary liquid. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 2 (1993), 139-145. (with V. A. Solonnikov) 

19. Large-time existence of surface waves of compressible viscous fluid. Proc. Japan Acad., 69 (1993), 230-233. (with N. Tanaka) 

20. The initial value problem for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with general slip boundary condition. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 4 (1994), 51-69. (with S. Itoh and N. Tanaka)

21. Solvability of the localized induction equation for vortex motion. Comm. Math. Phys., 162 (1994), 433-445. (with T. Nishiyama) 

22. Free boundary problems for incompressible Euler equations. In: Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, edited by S. Ukai, A. Tani and K. Asano. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 862, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 1994, 237-248. 

23. Fractal dimensions of the reaction-diffusion equations. (in Japanese) High Perform. Comput., 54 (1994), 1-6. (with T. Otsubo and T. Nodera) 

24. Intial and initial-boundary value problems for the vortex filament equations. In: Mathematical Analysis of Phenomena in Fluid and Plasma Dynamics, edited by S. Ukai, A. Tani and K. Asano. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 914, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 1995, 137-147. (with T. Nishiyama) 

25. Large-time existence of surface waves in incompressible viscous fluids with or without surface tension. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 130 (1995), 303-314. (with N. Tanaka)

26. On the localized induction equation for a vortex filament motion. In: Advanced Mathematics: Computations and Applications, edited by A. S. Alekseev and N. S. Bakhvalov. NCC Publisher, Novosibirsk, 1995, 229-239. 

27. Small-time existence for the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid with a free surface. Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 133 (1996), 299-331. 

28. Intial and initial-boundary value problems for a vortex filament with or without axial flow. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 27 (1996), 1015-1023. (with T. Nishiyama) 

29. Convergence with vanishing viscosity of nonstationary problems for nonhomogeneous incompressible fluids. In: Proceedings of Sixth International Colloquium on Differential Equations, edited by D. Bainov. Bulgaria, 1997, 193-202. (with S. Itoh) 

30. On Burgers’ original model system of turbulence with two components in the secondary motion. In: Proceedings on the Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Infinite Dimensional Dynamic Systems, edited by Li T.-T. World Scientific, 1997, 218-225.

31. On the two phase free boundary problem for two-dimensional water waves. Mathematische Annalen, 309 (1997), 199-223. (with T. Iguchi and N. Tanaka) 

32. Numerical analysis for Cahn-Hilliard equation on a parallel computer. (in Japanese) High Perform. Comput., 58 (1997), 51-56. (with Y. Noguchi and T. Nodera) 

33. Solvability of equations for motion of a vortex filament with or without axial flow. Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ., 33 (1998), 509-526. (with T. Nishiyama) 

34. On the stable pattern for the nonlinear diffusion equations on the discrete lattices. (in Japanese) In: Studies of Numerical Calculation Algorithm, edited by M. Mori. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1040, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 1998, 188–195. (with Y. Noguchi and T. Nodera) 

35. Pattern formations in spatially discrete Cahn-Hilliard quation. (in Japanese) Trans. Inform. Process. Soc. Japan, 39 (1998), 2049-2059. (with Y. Noguchi and T. Nodera) 

36. On a free boundary problem for an incompressible ideal fluid in two space dimensions. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 9 (1999), 415–472. (with T. Iguchi and N. Tanaka) 

37. On the classical solvability of the Stefan problem in a viscous incompressible fluid flow. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 30 (1999), 584–602. (with Y. Kusaka)

38. Solvability of nonstationary problems for nonhomogeneous incompressible fluids and the convergence with vanishing viscosity. Tokyo J. Math., 22 (1999), 17–42. (with S. Itoh) 

39. The initial value problem for the non-homogeneous Navier-Stokes equations with general slip boundary condition. Proc. Royal Soc. of Edinburgh, 130A (2000), 827–835. (with S. Itoh) 

40. Classical solvability of the two-phase Stefan problem in a viscous incompressible fluid flow. Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 12 (2002), 365–391. (with Y. Kusaka) 

41. Existence of solution for Eguchi-Oki-Matsumura equation describing phase separation and orderdisorder transition in binary alloys. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 272 (2002), 448–457. (with M. Kurokiba and N. Tanaka) 

42. A boundary value problem for an infinite elastic strip with a semi-infinite crack. J. Elasticity, 16 (2002), 193–206. (with H. Itou) 

43. Free boundary problem for an incompressible ideal fluid with surface tension. Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 12 (2002), 1725–1740. (with M. Ogawa) 

44. The initial value problem for the Navier-Stokes equations with general slip boundary condition in Hölder spaces. J. Math. Fluid Mech., 5 (2003), 275–301. (with S. Itoh and N. Tanaka) 

45. Incompressible perfect fluid motion with free boundary of finite depth. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 13 (2003), 201–223. (with M. Ogawa)

46. Surface waves for compressible viscous fluids. J. Math. Fluid Mech., 5 (2003), 303–363. (with N. Tanaka) 

47. Steady solutions of the equations for the second grade fluid flow with general Navier’s slip boundary conditions. Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI, 306 (2003), 210–228. (with C. Le Roux) 

48. Steady flows of incompressible Newtonian fluids with threshold slip boundary conditions. In: Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics, edited by S. Nishibata and A. Matsumura. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1353, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2004, 21–34. (with C. Le Roux) 

49. Topics on free boundary problems for ideal fluids. In: Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics, edited by S. Nishibata and A. Matsumura. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1353, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2004, 35–48. 

50. A boundary value problem and crack propagation in an infinite (visco) elastic strip with semi-infinite crack. In: Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics, edited by S. Nishibata and A. Matsumura. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1353, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2004, 49–71. (with H. Itou) 

51. Existence of a weak solution in an infinite viscoelastic strip with a semi-infinite crack. Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 14 (2004), 975–986. (with H. Itou) 

52. Finite difference schemes for a certain nonlinear parabolic system. Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 16 (2006), 679–699. (with H. Morioka) 

53. Shape derivative of energy functional in an infinite elastic strip with a semi-infinite cracks. Tokyo J. Math., 29 (2006), 385–397. (with H. Itou) 

54. On some boundary value problem for the Stokes equations in an infinite sector. Anal. Appl., 4 (2006), 357–375. (with S. Itoh and N. Tanaka) 

55. Periodic vortical flows of an incompressible ideal fluid with free boundary. In: Hyperbolic problems, theory, numerics and applications, edited by F. Asakura, S. Aiso, S. Kawashima, A. Matsumura and K. Nishihara. Yokohama Publishers, 2006, 205–211. (with M. Ogawa) 

56. Global solution to the one-dimensional equations for a self-gravitating viscous radiative and reactive gas. In: Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics, edited by S. Nishibata and Y. Kagei. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1495, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2006, 8–25. (with M. Umehara)

57. Global solution to the one-dimensional model equations for viscous liquid stars in reactive and combustion processes. In: Fluid dynamics for mixing, chemical reaction and combustion, edited by S. Toh. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1496, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2006, 78–84. (with M. Umehara) 

58. Free boundary problem for an incompressible perfect fluid with large initial data. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 30 (2006), 595–624. (with M. Ogawa) 

59. Steady solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations with threshold slip boundary conditions. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 30 (2007), 595–624. (with C. Le Roux) 

60. Global solution to the one-dimensional equations for a self-gravitating viscous radiative and reactive gas. J. Differential Equations, 234 (2007), 439–463. (with M. Umehara) 

61. Steady Navier-Stokes equations in a domain with piecewise smooth boundary. Comput. Math. Appl. 53 (2007), 685–691. (with S. Itoh and N. Tanaka) 

62. A boundary-value problem for an infinite elastic strip with a semi-infinite crack. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 7 (2007), 1042601–1042602. (with H. Itou) 

63. On time local solvability for the motion of an unbounded volume of viscous incompressible fluid. In: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Mathematical Modeling, edited by Y. Yamada. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1588, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2008, 30–45. (with K. Inui and S. Matsui) 

64. Global solution to the equations for a spherically symmetric viscous radiative and reactive gas over the rigid core. Anal. Appl., 6 (2008), 183–211. (with M. Umehara) 

65. Global solvability and some uniform-in-time bounds of the solution for self-gravitating viscous stellar models. In: Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics, edited by S. Nishibata and Y. Kagei. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 1592, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2008, 116–129. (with M. Umehara) 

66. Overlapping domain problems in the crack theory with possible contact between crack faces. Quart. Appl. Math., 66 (2008), 423–435. (with A. M. Khludnev) 

67. Unilateral contact problems for two inclined elastic bodies. Europ. J. Mech. A-Solids, 27 (2008), 365–377. (with A. M. Khludnev) 

68. Evolution of a crack with kink and non-penetration. J. Math. Soc. Japan, 60 (2008), 1219–1253. (with A. M. Khludnev and V. A. Kovtunenko) 

69. Global solvability of the free-boundary problem for one-dimensional motion of a self-gravitating viscous radiative and reactive gas. Proc. Japan Acad., 84 Ser. A (2008), 122–127. (with M. Umehara) 

70. Global existence and asymptotic behaviour of the one-dimensional motion of a self-gravitating viscous and reactive gas. In: Nonlinear Phenomena with Energy Dissipation, Gakuto International Series Math. Sci. Appl., 29 (2008), 407–424. (with M. Umehara)

71. Stability of steady-state solution to Navier–Stokes equations with general Navier slip boundary condition. Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI, 362 (2009), 153–175. (with S. Itoh and N. Tanaka) 

72. Some estimates of pressure for the Stokes equations in an infinite sector. Proc. Japan Acad., 85 Ser. A (2009), 37–40. (with S. Itoh and N. Tanaka) 

73. An adaptive gradient smoothing method (GSM) for fluid dynamics problems. Intern. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 62 (2010), 499–529. (with X.-X. Guo and G.-R. Liu) 

74. On some boundary value problem for the Stokes equations with a parameter in an infinite sector. In the special volume of the series Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics dedicated to the memory of Professor Alexander Kazhikhov, 223–236, edited by A. V. Fursikov, G. P. Galdi and V. V. Puchnachov, Birkhauser, 2010. (with S. Itoh and N. Tanaka) 

75. Maximal attractor and inertial sets for Eguchi-Oki-Matsumura equation. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 365 (2010), 638–645. (with M. Kurokiba and N. Tanaka) 

76. On the topological derivative due to kink of a crack with non-penetration. J. Math. Pures Appl., 94 (2010), 571–596. (with A. M. Khludnev and V. A. Kovtunenko)

77. Initial-boundary value problem for the motion of incompressible inhomogeneous fluid-like bodies. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 20 (2010), 11–35. (with N. Nakano)

78. Small-time existence of a strong solution of primitive equations for atomosphere. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 20 (2010), 547–583. (with H. Honda)

79. The interface crack with Coulomb friction between two bounded dissimilar elastic media. Appl. Math., 56 (2011), 69–97. (with H. Itou and V. A. Kovtunenko)

80. Navier’s slip problem for motion of incompressible inhomogeneous fluid-like bodies. J. Math. Fluid Mech., 13 (2011), 65–87. (with N. Nakano).

81. Initial boundary value problem for model equations of resistive drift wave turbulence. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 43 (2011), 925–943. (with S. Kondo)

82. An inverse problem for pseudoparabolic equation of filtration: the existence, uniqueness and regularity. Appl. Anal. 90 (2011), 1557–1571. (with A. Sh. Lyubanova)

83. On inverse problems for pseudoparabolic and parabolic equations of filtration. Inverse Prob. Sci. Eng., 19 (2011), 1023–1042. (with A. Sh. Lyubanova)

84. Initial boundary value problem of Hasegawa–Wakatani equations with vanishing resistivity. Adv. Math. Sci. Appl., 21 (2011), 223–253. (with S. Kondo)

85. On the Hasegawa–Wakatani equations with vanishing resistivity. Proc. Japan Acad., 87 (2011), 156–161. (with S. Kondo)

86. Nonlinear waves in incompressible viscoelastic Maxwell medium. Wave Motions, 48 (2011), 727–737. (with V. Yu. Liapidevskii and V. V. Pukhnachev)

87. Small-time existence of a strong solution of primitive equations for the ocean. Tokyo J. Math., 35 (2012), 97–138. (with H. Honda)

88. Asymptotic behaviour at a tip of a rigid line inclusion in linearized elasticity. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech., 92 (2012), 716–730. (with H. Itou, A. M. Khludnev and E. M. Rudoy)

89. Global solution to the conserved phase-field equation of Penrose–Fife type. Comm. Appl. Anal., 16 (2012), 703–726.

90. An inverse problem for pseudoparabolic equation of filtration: the stabilization. Appl. Anal. 92 (2013), 573–585. (with A. Sh. Lyubanova)

91. Free-boundary problem of the one-dimensional equations for viscous and heat-conductive gaseous flow under the self-gravitation. Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 23 (2013), 1377–1419. (with M. Umehara)

92. Effect of the wetting layer on the fingering pattern in a Hele-Shaw cell. J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 83 (2014), 034401. (with H. Tani)

93. Existence, uniqueness, and regularity for the Kuramoto–Sakaguchi equation with unboundedly supported frequency distribution. Diff. Integr. Eq., 27 (2014), 879–892. (with M. M. Lavrentiev, Jr. and R. Spigler)

94. On the strong solvability of primitive equations for the coupled atmosphere and ocean model. Mat. Zametki SVFU, 21, 4 (2014), 47–60. (with H. Honda)

95. Some boundedness of solutions for the primitive equations of the atmosphere and the ocean. ZAMM, 95 (2015), 38–48. (with H. Honda)

96. Tissue interaction model for skin pattern formation. Proc. MPM 2015 (2015), 86–103.

97. Almost-periodic solutions to an initial boundary value problem for model equations of resistive drift wave turbulence Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5), 16 (2016), 291–333. (with S. Kondo)

98. Classical solvability of the two-phase radial viscous fingering problem in a Hele-Shaw cell. In: Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Present and Future, Eds. Y. Shibata and Y. Suzuki. Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 183 (2016), 317–348. (with H. Tani)

99. Mathematical analysis of Kuramoto–Sakaguchi equation. In: Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics, edited by T. Iguchi. RIMS Kôkyûroku, 2038, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2017, 115–129. (with H. Honda)

100. Mathematical analysis of synchronization from the perspective of network science. Mathematical Analysis on Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications, Proc. Intern. Conf. CoMFoS15, eds. H. Itou, M. Kimura, V. Chalupeck´y, K. Ohtsuka, D. Tagami and A. Takada. Mathematics for Industry, 26 (2017), 219–228, Springer. (with H. Honda)

101. Mathematical analysis in nonlinear acoustics. VIII Intern. Conf. Math. Modeling (ICMM-2017), eds I. E. Egorov, S. V. Popov, P. N. Vabischevich, M. Yu. Antonov, N. P. Lazarev, M. S. Troeva, A. O. Ivanova, Yu. M. Grigor’ev, AIP Conference Proceedings 1907 (2017), 020063-1–020063-18, AIP Publishing.

102. Time-local solvability of the Degond–Lucquin-Desreux–Morrow model for gas discharge. SIAM Math. Anal., 50 (2018), 5096–5118. (with M. Suzuki)

103. Classical solvability of the radial viscous fingering problem in a Hele-Shaw cell. Mat. Zametki SVFU, 25, 3 (2018), 92–114. (with H. Tani)

104. Solvability to some strongly degenerate parabolic problems. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 475 (2019), 576–594. (with M. M. Lavrentiev)

105. Optimal radius of a rigid cylindrical inclusion in inhomogeneous Kirchhoff-Love plates with a crack. Mat. Zametki SVFU, 26, 1 (2019), 46–58. (with N. P. Lazarev and P. V. Sivtsev)

106. Bifurcation analysis of the Degond–Lucquin-Desreux–Morrow model for gas discharge. J. Differential Equations, 268 (2020), 4733–4755. (with M. Suzuki)

107. Dynamic unilateral contact problem with averaged friction for a viscoelastic body with crack. Mathematical Analysis on Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications III, Proc. Intern. Conf. CoMFoS18, eds. H. Itou, S. Hirano, M. Kimura, V. A. Kovtunenko, and A. M. Khludnev. Mathematics for Industry, 34 (2020), 3–21, Springer. 

108. On unilateral contact problems with friction for an elastic body with cracks. In: Analysis of inverse problems through partial differential equations and related topics, edited by K. Tanuma. RIMS Kokyuroku, 2174, RIMS Kyoto Univ., 2021, 43--58. (with A. I. Furtsev, H. Itou, V. A. Kovtunenko, E. M. Rudoy)

109. On the uniqueness of the classical solutions of the radial viscous fingering problems in a Hele-Shaw cell. J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Math. Phys., 14(4) (2021), 475--482. (with H. Tani)

110. Classical solvability to the initial boundary value problem for a forced foam drainage equation. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 504 (2021), 125573. (with M. Tani)

111. On phase-field equations of Penrose--Fife type with the non-conserved order parameter under flux boundary condition. I: global-in-time existence. Mat. Zametki SVFU, 29 (1) (2022), 103--121.

112. On phase-field equations of Penrose--Fife type with the non-conserved order parameter under flux boundary condition. II:uniform boundedness. Mat. Zametki SVFU, 29 (2) (2022), 88--100. 

113. On phase-field equations of Penrose--Fife type with the conserved order parameter under flux boundary condition: global-in-time existence and uniform boundedness. Kinetic and Related Models, 16 (2023), 495--523.

114. Small-time solvability of the primitive equations for the coupled atmosphere and ocean model. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 184 (1) (2023), 1--41. (with H. Honda)

115. Classical solvability to the two-phase free boundary problem for a foam drainage equation.  To appear in Algebra and Analysis, 36 (3) (2024), 239--288. (with M. Tani)

116. On the Uniqueness of the Classical Solution of the Radial Viscous Fingering Problem in a Hele-Shaw Cell with Surface Tension. To appear in PMTF (2024). (with H. Tani)

117. Classical solvability to the free boundary problem for a foam drainage equation. I: From the top to the interface. To appear in Journal of Mathematical Physics,  (2024). (with M. Tani)