Steven is playing a video game on his tablet when the Crystal Gems return from a mission with a Light Prism. Despite Pearl fearing that the prism's lights can be released, Steven assures her that he's not powerful enough to let any escape. Nevertheless, 7 lights break free from the prism and it's up to the Crystal Gems to find them.

Every move is executed in a quick-time style combat system similar to Paper Mario. You have a small window of time when defending or attacking that allows you to maximize the protagonist's attacks and their defenses. Specific moves have different ways to deliver damage including rapid tapping or sliding your finger across the screen. Each Gem has a unique fighting style using moves that are from the TV show or contain elements that complete a unique attack. Pearl has far and close-range attacks that can strike multiple times with a varying degree of damage. Garnet uses strength to lower the defense of enemies and deliver heavy damage. Amethyst uses weaker attacks that can damage entire parties, lower their attack status, or even knock them out of the battle in one hit. Steven is a support unit who uses his abilities to assist the rest of the party, including recovering lost harmony, clearing status ailments, and assist them in delivering and blocking powerful attacks with status boosts and shielding in bubbles.

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The game offers two difficulty modes, one being normal and the other being "Diamond Mode". The latter makes the enemies more challenging and hides the stars that serve as attack and defense indicators as revealed on January 6, 2016.[2]

Steven is seen playing an RPG on his tablet. He throws it away after the Crystal Gems warp into the Beach House. Steven asks what Garnet is holding, to which Pearl explains that Garnet is holding an ancient Gem weapon which, when in the hands of a powerful Gem, can command an entire army of light. Steven then asks if he can see it. Pearl disapproves at first for it is far too dangerous but agrees because it is only dangerous in the hands of a powerful Gem, to which Amethyst supports. As Steven grabs hold of the prism, it starts to emit light which releases the White Light. Pearl tells Steven to stay back as they fight the monster. As Garnet deals the first blow, the White Light erupts into light through the roof of the house and scatters seven colored lights throughout the world. The Gems and Steven must work together and put the scattered lights back into the prism and save the world.

Steven and the Crystal Gems first travel to recapture the Indigo Light, which has escaped into Indigo Cave. The Gems battle light creatures that have taken the form of cave dwelling creatures such as scorpions and bats before the final battle with the boss of the area, a giant three-tailed indigo scorpion.

The second light the Gems search brings them into the Gem Battlefield. The monsters take the form of bugs and plants as they fight the Crystal Gems. During the mission, Steven and the Gems encounter and recapture the Violet Light, which did not put up a fight. They face off against the boss of the stage, the Green Light, accompanied by light constructs it has made in the form of the three Crystal Gems.

The search for fourth light brings the group to The Desert and battles through orange light creatures that have assumed the forms of dragonflies, tortoises, and snakes. The final battle takes place between the Crystal Gems and a giant crystal-covered orange turtle. After apparently beating the boss, it delivers a devastating blow that leaves the Gems weak. However, with Steven's encouragement the trio fuse to become Alexandrite and finally defeat the boss.

The fifth light leads the group to the sunken Lunar Sea Spire. Blue light Jellyfish, pufferfish, and starfish creatures attack the Gems as they journey into the Spire Ruins. During the mission they encounter the Yellow Light, which does not fight back, tries to communicate with Steven before being captured. The final battle takes place between the Crystal Gems and the blue light whale boss.

The final light left to be captured is the Red Light that leads the group deep within Gem ruins. The area is filled with machinery and Gem murals depicting battles. They battle through red light creatures in the form of the creatures they previously fought before. The group meets the final light monster, a three-headed red centipeetle-like creature. However, before the battle starts, the prism is taken by the red light boss.

The Prism combines all the light into one fearsome White Light. Using the abilities of all previous bosses, the Crystal Gems face a rough fight with the monster. However, as the boss weakens, it tries to communicate with Steven. Finally weak and on the verge of defeat, Steven successfully communicates with the Light creature and understand its plight.

Steven deduces that the light monsters that escaped the prism were not fighting him but were fighting for him. Unfortunately, their battles with the light monsters only confused them, as they thought their master, Steven, was testing them. The White Light creature asks forgiveness from Steven as it thought it had failed Steven's test by being defeated but Steven reassures the creature. The light creature asks what Steven wants it to be, to which Steven tells it to be whatever it wants itself to be. The light turns into dozens of Steven constructs before fading away. The Crystal Gems return home, their mission completed.

An optional difficulty mode presented at the beginning of the game. It is recommended for advanced players only. This mode makes the game more difficult by increasing enemy health, increasing the chance of large monsters appearing, and disabling the star prompt for blocks and counterattacks. This mode can be turned on or off on the main menu.

The community agrees the side dodge attack light parry changes should be looked at individually and that pirate is an example of a character who deserves a light parry. Also that the long dodge attacks, shouldnt be light parries. Its actually nice to see the community agree that a blanket change isnt a good thing, but this is where it begins to fall apart.

The community is all over the place of who deserves a light parry and who shouldnt. I saw someone say shaman should because her dodge attack is fast. Someone said kyoshin for some reason should have a light parry (Idk if because its fast or due to kaze stance.) A person said kensei should have a light parry but gryphon shouldnt which doesnt make sense as their dodge attacks are very similar. Then someone said hito for some reason and another person said highlander (I legit dont understand these ones). Then I heard a person say the dodge attacks being light parries should be based on a character's agility. Then of course, Gladiator dodge bash is controversial. It gives nothing so people feel it shouldnt be gb on whiff but others think it should because Glad players use it over and over due to it not being able to be punished very highly in damage except by undodgables.

The community is already divided with people thinking dodge attacks shouldnt be changed in the first place. After all, this makes most characters just kill you even faster as you just have no real way of trying to get out a mixup without eating heavy damage. But, the community that do think the change is necessary, cant decide who deserves it especially due to character bias whether they like or hate certain characters. What are your thoughts about this? Which character truly deserves the dodge light parry without it being any sort of bias to the character? Hell, does this even need to be done in the first place?

During battles, in which the protagonists and the enemy take turns to attack, the Gems fight against the enemy while Steven provides support, able to use healing and defensive abilities and access items. Most of the actions characters can perform require Star Points, of which there are a limited supply during each turn, though players can use items to increase their Star Points or choose to save them for their next turn.[3]

Similar to games such as the Paper Mario series, many of the actions performed feature gesture-based controls. Simple well-timed taps of the screen can be used to deal extra damage or reduce damage taken from enemy attacks. Other abilities, which can be unlocked as each character levels up with experience, feature unique mechanics such as aiming a shot or repeatedly swiping the screen.[3]

Nope you can, CRB Page 141.Core Rule Book wrote:Light: A light weapon is used in one hand. It is easier to use in one's off hand than a one-handed weapon is, and can be used while grappling (see Combat). Add the wielder's Strength modifier to damage rolls for melee attacks with a light weapon if it's used in the primary hand, or half the wielder's Strength bonus if it's used in the off hand. Using two hands to wield a light weapon gives no advantage on damage; the Strength bonus applies as though the weapon were held in the wielder's primary hand only. An unarmed strike is always considered a light weapon.It may not grant any Bonus to damage, but I can wield it in both hands. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Stynkk Sep 9, 2011, 03:51 am Zachrid wrote:So if I take a short sword in both hands and use Power Attack I won't get a 1-1/2 Str Bonus to damage, but the +50% to the bonus damage of the power attack, right? As power attack states: This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a tag_hash_108_________________ using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls.So basically saying anytime you'd have a strength bonus of 1.5x and using a weapon/attack.

Unfortunately for your case, a Short Sword is classified as a Light Weapon, not a One-Handed Weapon. I believe that even if you wielded a Short Sword in two hands - which you can do - the rules state "Using two hands to wield a light weapon gives no advantage on damage". Therefore, it would only apply the Power Attack at the normal bonus (+4), without the extra 50%. ff782bc1db

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