On February 26, 1993, at 12:18 p.m., a small cell of terrorists, with links to a local radical mosque and broader Islamist terror networks, detonated approximately 1,200 pounds of explosives in a rental van in the underground parking garage at the World Trade Center. The explosion created a five-story, 150-feet-wide crater, filled with 4,000 tons of rubble, in the sub-grade levels of the towers and undermined the floor of an adjoining hotel.

Local, state, and federal agencies responded to the incident and contributed to what was then the largest coordinated rescue effort in New York City history. Some Port Authority of New York & New Jersey staff with specialized knowledge of the building remained in the towers to assist with the evacuation and rescue. New York City Police Department helicopters transported rescue personnel to the roof to assist in stairway evacuations of tenants on the upper floors.

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Recovery work was underway only hours after the attack. Power was quickly restored to integral locations, and the lights in the towers were turned on that evening to demonstrate resiliency. Port Authority staff worked around the clock to enable a reopening of the complex in March. The entire rebuilding effort continued for approximately 20 months.

By the end of the decade, the WTC had achieved a renaissance. A combination of the modernization of the complex and a tenant-friendlier approach led to an occupancy rate of more than 95 percent. The WTC had not only revitalized itself in the aftermath of a major attack, but had spurred the revitalization of the downtown area.

Among the other items in the collection related to the 1993 bombing are a mangled stop sign; a glass window fragment; a police officer's evacuation notes; a goodbye letter from a father trapped in an elevator; a mug welcoming returning tenants back to the World Trade Center; and a twisted hunk of metal that helped investigators identify the bombers.

Our interactive timeline of the 1993 bombing explores the World Trade Center's history, from the site's conception to the first attack and its aftermath. For more on the 1993 bombing, read our blog post outlining the events of the 1993 attack. Our blog also features artifacts, first-person accounts, and historical information about the World Trade Center site both before, during, and after the attacks.

Attack of the 50 Foot Woman is a 1958 American black-and-white Science Fiction film directed by Nathan Juran (credited as Nathan Hertz), which acts as something of a Distaff Counterpart to The Amazing Colossal Man. One of the classic B-Movies, it is well remembered for its rather silly premise, as well as being a rather large source of Fanservice, and was remade for HBO in 1993, directed by Christopher Guest.

The basic plot: Nancy Archer (Allison Hayes), a rich California woman with a drinking problem and a cheating husband, has a close encounter with aliens while driving out in the desert. Attempting to convince her skeptical husband Harry (William Hudson) of what she saw, she takes him back out to the desert, where he promptly abandons her once the aliens reappear. She's found later, and her husband plots to kill her, but she's grown into a giant in her sleep. Nancy goes on a classic Kaiju rampage upon awakening, looking for her husband. During her rampage, she kills the other woman (Yvette Vickers) and kidnaps Harry King Kong style. She's eventually killed by an exploding power line transformer, and her husband thus dies with her.

The remake, starring Daryl Hannah, Daniel Baldwin, and William Windom, ramps the unsympathetic portrayal of her husband up to eleven, and has a much happier ending for Nancy. It could be seen as a tongue-in-cheek version of a Lifetime original movie: Every man is despicable or useless, and all the women, even her husband's mistress, get sympathetic portrayals and happy endings!

Obviously the Trope Namer for Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever.The 1958 movie contains examples of: Acme Products: The doctors get everything they need to sedate and restrain giant Nancy from Acme Medical Supplies, including chains and meat hooks. Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: The Trope Namer. Attack of the Monster Appendage: After she grows, all we see of Nancy until the final attack is her enormous hand. Battle Butler: Jess, Nancy's butler since childhood, gets in a rumble with Harry when he tries to skip town. Big Bad: The alien who transformed Nancy into a giantess. Covers Always Lie: The famous poster, besides depicting Nancy as being much bigger than 50 feet, has her attacking a highway overpass in a city, whereas the movie takes place in a small desert town with nary a paved road. Clueless Deputy: Charlie, who also serves as the Plucky Comic Relief. Death by Woman Scorned: Nancy kills Honey by dropping a roof beam on top of her. It's unclear whether she then kills Harry by squeezing the life out of him (he is heard saying "I can't breathe!" when she picks him up) or else he got killed during the transformer explosion that does Nancy in at the end. Fanservice: The poster sure seems to promise it, doesn't it? True enough, she is wearing only a bra and skirt. Alas...again, we don't see her post-growth (besides her hand) until the final attack. Though, to be fair, Allison Hayes wears tight outfits with plunging necklines for most of the movie pre-growth. Film Posters: One of the most iconic in cinema history, better known than the film itself. One notable fact about the poster: The woman depicted is quite clearly not fifty feet tall. If you look at the people on the ground she's more like one hundred feet tall. You've heard that Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale - well apparently, neither do B-movie poster artists! Giant Woman: The Trope Codifier. Grievous Bottley Harm: While fighting Jess, Harry hits him with an empty bottle. Herr Doktor: Dr. Heinrich von Loeb. Hot Topic Phlebotinum: The spacecraft is repeatedly referred to as a 'satellite', probably because Sputnik 1 had been launched the year before, making it the latest 'science' buzzword. Improvised Clothes: Giant Nancy wears a bra and skirt supposedly made from her bed sheets. How they got on her while in her tiny bedroom is unclear. Jerkass: Both Harry and Honey are irredeemable monsters who were already at least talking about murdering Nancy for her money at the beginning of the movie. Madonna-Whore Complex: A beautifully clear-cut example. Nancy is the Madonna, while Honey is the whore. Medication Tampering: Harry tries to kill Nancy with a morphine overdose. He's stopped when the nurse turns on the light, which also reveals Nancy's growth. My Car Hates Me: Nancy's car won't start when she tries to get away from the alien giant. Also, the sheriff's station wagon gets stuck in the mud when he finds the giant. Monster Delay: You have to wait until the final ten minutes to see giant Nancy in all her glory. No More for Me: The old prospector throws away his bottle when he sees giant Nancy. Old Retainer: Jess has been Nancy's butler since childhood. Prospector: One of the first to see the giant Nancy. In a modern twist, he's looking for uranium. Say My Name: "HAAARRY!" Screaming Woman: The nurse, on seeing Nancy after her size change. Spheroid Dropship: The 'satellite'. Stock Footage: The same scene of giant Nancy walking is used over and over. Given that the giant alien is dressed like a medieval soldier, it's clearly footage from a completely different movie. Terror at Make-Out Point: A young couple making out in their car are startled by the giant Nancy. The Television Talks Back: As a sign of her Sanity Slippage, a newsreader begins taunting Nancy about her husband's infidelity. Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Deputy Charlie isn't willing to shoot Giant Nancy in the middle of her rampage. Her own husband is another story. You Have to Believe Me!: No one believes Nancy when she claims that a giant in a satellite tried to grab her. No surprise, as she's a known alcoholic who was once committed to an asylum. Your Size May Vary: Giant Nancy doesn't seem to stay the same size throughout.

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Nancy Archer is the titular main antagonist of the sci-fi movie Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. Due to an encounter with an unnamed alien, she is transformed into a 50-foot giantess and proceeds to go on a rampage as she seeks revenge on her cheating husband and others who stand in her way.

Nancy was a wealthy heiress and alcoholic with a history of emotional instability and immoderate drinking due to her husband, Harry Archer, cheated on her by having an affair with his mistress, Honey Parker. Unbeknownst to her, however, he was scheming a plan to disposed her for good so that he can get all of her money for both himself and Honey, whether by forced her back into asylum or murder.

Frustrated over her failing marriage, Nancy releasing her stress by speeding along Route 66 through the desert when something caught her eye. She swerved off to the side of the road when she saw a giant sphere hovering before her. An over-sized hand emerges from the sphere, and she got out of the car and ran away screaming. She went back to town to the police station to report what she had just seen. However, there was no sign of the giant or the large satellite that Nancy claimed to have seen. Nancy believed that the giant wanted her diamond necklace - the fabled Star of India - the most expensive diamond in the world. Unable to find anything to corroborate her story, they brought her back to her lavish home. 152ee80cbc

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