You can use Hitpoints to create MIDI events and use that to drive a sampler with your tone in it, that would be dynamic to each snare hit. I use this trick a lot to add to bass drums within live drum recording

I would like to know of any single-ended noise reduction vsts that anyone has programmed which would also be very useful in this context. Like the DBX SNR-1 or Behringer De-noiser SNR 2000 hardware units

Audio Control Pink Noise Download

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This tutorial shows how to use the DP Meter Pro plugin (DPMP) in Cakewalk Sonar, in order to record the peak envelope of the audio signal as an automation curve. STEP BY STEP 01 - Insert the DPMP on your audio track: [Step 01 - Insert the DPMP on...

It would be a nice feature. One time I tried to do this with dual side chained compressors. I took pink noise or a square wave as input to a compressor which had the original audio as a side-chain. So it was like ducking the pink noise behind the original audio. This creates an inverse envelope. Using the inverse envelope as a side-chain input to control a second audio source passing thru a second compressor, I was able to create something like an envelope follower. The second audio was supposed to follow the envelope of the first audio.

It was a failure because the timing of the compressors was too slow and confused. In particular, the attack time has a lower limit, and that was doubled since the dual compressors were in series. The sluggish response and loose tracking I got out of this arrangement was not usable.

The DM-810 features AudioControls MILCTM (Maximum Input Level Control) patent-pending source clip detection circuit. MILCTM calculates when the waveform of an incoming audio signal is clipping, and if it is, the LED will fulfill its prime objective and shine forth, aiding in precise level matching control.OPTION PORTThe built in Option Port on the DM-810 is the future of car audio and allows hi-res streaming and DSP programming directly into the DSP using the AC-BT24 Bluetooth Streamer/Programmer. It also opens up future proprietary connections for additional inputs, controllers and interface solutions. Watch this space for future Option Port expansion options.

Route any input to any output, adjust gain, delay and polarity then precisely tune the DM-810 using a 30 band EQ. High-pass, low-pass and band-pass can be set up for any output using 12 or 24 dB/octave Linkwitz-Riley crossovers.

Pink noise is a random signal, filtered to have equal energy per octave. In order to keep the energy constant over octaves, the spectral density needs to decrease as the frequency (f) increases. This explains why pink noise is sometimes referred as "1/f noise." In terms of decibels, this decrease corresponds to 3 dB per octave on the magnitude spectrum.

Pink noise has equal power in proportionally wide bandwidths. For example, the 20 Hz bandwidth between 20 Hz and 40 Hz (one octave) contains the same amount of sound power as the 10,000 Hz bandwidth between 10,000 Hz and 20,000 Hz (one octave).

For the human auditory system - which processes frequencies logarithmically - pink noise is supposed to sound even across all frequencies, and therefore best approximates the average spectral distribution of music.

In healthcare applications, pink noise is used to treat hyperacusis, an increased sensitivity to normal environmental sounds, or to mask tinnitus, a ringing in your ear occurring without any stimulus.

in the CD-quality version of our pink noise sample: clicking the down arrow next to the playback button will trigger a high quality .wav file longer durations: download our 15-minute pink noise track in mp3 format. It starts and stops with a slow fade in / fade out, which is ideal for healthcare higher sample rates: check out our High Definition Audio Test Files a real stochastic white noise generator: take a look at the continuously play white noise from your browser: have a listen to the myNoise Pink Noise machine.

Our pink noise sample file has been generated using wavTones' professional grade Pink Noise Generator.

Long time lurker here. I finally moved my Arch install out of VirtualBox under Ubuntu onto my laptop and it's all going well, except for sound. I've read the relevant wiki entry, searched various forums and tried different things. I admit I know very little about soundcards/mixers/etc and I'm at a loss of what to do now.

My problem:

I have sound in VLC, system beeps and notification on startup but no sound in Firefox. Neither HTML5 nor flash videos give sound in Firefox.

Kmix also doesn't show volume control, just "IEC958". Under Mixer in Kmix changing the Master setting of "HD-Audio Generic" does change the volume.

I rebooted. I accepted the KDE prompt about devices being removed. I unmuted everything with alsamixer again.

Sound now works in VLC (audio settings to default) and Firefox, and also in both at the same time. Kmix also works as expected when I set the Master Channel to HD Audio Generic. Headphones jack also works.

The issue is that no pink noise is being generated through the selected (or any) output. I've raised the pink noise level, raised the main fader, etc. There is good connection between the computer and the mixer, PA system is up and running properly.

Pink noise is a distribution of energy across the spectrum of human hearing that is designed to sound equally loud from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Pink noise sounds just as loud at 20 kHz as it does at 20 Hz. Since each octave is twice as wide as the octave that precedes it and the total energy in that octave is the same as the octave that precedes it, each subsequent frequency (from low to high) is a little lower in level. Below, the spectrum analyzer shows pink noise.

So, your 100 watt tweeter is designed to handle 100 watts in a system in which it will reproduce only the highest frequencies in the signal. Is this BS? No. If I hook up a 100 watt amplifier to my tweeters and apply the correct high pass filter, the tweeter, rated to handle 100 watts will work just fine.

In the jazz recording, the tweeters and the midrange get a lot more power, relative to the bass. What does this mean? For starters, the EDM recording is far less likely to destroy speakers in a properly tuned system than the jazz recording. In practice, however, the EDM recording is probably more likely to be played at a higher level than the jazz recording.

3. Setting the levels of the amplifiers that drive your midbass, midrange and tweeters using a sine wave track and a scope is a colossal waste of time and may put your speakers in more danger than is necessary!

Someone asked recently about choosing a crossover slope and asked, specifically, if using a 48dB/octave crossover would provide better protection than a 24dB/octave slope. I usually recommend 24dB/octave Linkwitz Riley

I wondered if anyone had written a sketch (and is willing to share) using an Arduino to generate rain noises. I don't really want to playback a 10 hour WAV file off micro SD or such nor repeated playback of a snippet from memory.... Just switch it on, have a sleep and switch it off in the morning....

Idealy I would love to just use a Nano and a speaker but am not averse to using a transistor.

I have searched this forum and YouTube etc but haven't found a solution that just uses this minimum componentry. I would prefer not using a sound chip.


I don't really want to playback a 10 hour WAV file off micro SD or such nor repeated playback of a snippet from memory.... Just switch it on, have a sleep and switch it off in the morning....

The Due has a DAC. The Uno, Nano, and Mega don't have true-analog outputs. You can "fake it" with the TMRpcm library, but that's actually PWM and if you don't filter it, PWM can do "nasty things" to an amplifier.

So, I'd recommend the Due, or an audio shield. And, you might be able to find an audio shield that can loop without the Arduino. (An audio shield just uses the Arduino as a controller and it can play sound files without it.)

White noise is "random data" and I believe digitalWrite(random(255)) in a tight loop will give you white noise. But that's not "rain". You can make pink noise by filtering white noise, and that's more natural sounding (less "harsh") but it's not easy to make a pink noise filter and it's still not rain.

You can't directly-connect a regular speaker. The minimum impedance/resistance is 125 Ohms (40mA and 5V). You can put a resistor in series, but that will reduce the volume and it probably won't be loud enough.

Because, from my experience, the microSD readers usually fail, sooner rather than later. I have 5 Dues with 5 3.2" LED screens with microSD readers inbuilt. Two of those readers have failed on me so far. And this is from the display being on for a coupla hours at a time. I expect the rain noise generator to be on 8 or 9 hours every night.

Out of curiousity, how would you run a microSD reader without an Arduino? Would one of these be enough?

Thanks for your replies, one and all. Went on eBay to look at sound chips, MP3 players etc and saw a "9 sounds" box for half the price of a Due. Ordered it and now waiting on a "slow boat from China"

The SA-3052 comes with a complete range of features including pink noise generator, calibrated microphone, memories, SPL functions, ability to average memories, peak hold utilities, comprehensive manual, and large, easy to read display. The SA-3052 is very portable since it also contains an internal battery pack and smart charger, the ability to drive a printer directly, and comes with a carrying case as standard equipment.

Results are easy and quick to achieve since the SA-3052 is a completely self-contained, stand alone device which do not need a computer to operate. The time from turn on to making measurements is less than three seconds. There is no training necessary.

With its all-metal construction and very rugged design, this is an honest product that will last, and be accurate, for many years to come.

The battery pack allows the SA-3052 to operate without connection to AC mains supply. The gel cell battery supply has sufficient capacity to operate the unit continuously for about 4 hours. An internal smart battery charger functions when the SA-3052 is plugged into AC and automatically adjusts the rate of charge. The power LED on the front panel glows red when the unit is charging its batteries and flashes as full charge is reached. 152ee80cbc

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