Location: All talks will take place in the Salmon Lecture Theatre (map: https://www.tcd.ie/Maps/map.php?b=195&i=b90).

Arrival: evening, Sunday 3rd September 2023.
Departure: 12PM, Wednesday 6th September 2023.

Talks: all talks are 60 minutes, with 15 additional minutes allocated for questions.

Small Group Talks (Monday, 15:45): This is an experimental session. You will be randomly partitioned into groups of 3-4. You will sit together and take turns to present mathematics to one other. This can be something you've been working on recently, something you're confused about, or just something you find interesting and want to share. There are two strict rules:

Open Problems (Tuesday, 15:45): This will be a whole-group discussion, in which we ponder open problems and speculate on how they might be tackled. The aim is not to solve the problems during the session, but to sketch the landscape and identify zones of ignorance which are worth pursuing.

All participants are invited to submit open problems. Navid will stand at the board and scribe suggestions from the audience. Marvin will take notes, which will be typed up and distributed to participants after the event.