Welcome to an inclusive experience! 

Our sensory gym is open to the public, we want all children to come explore their abilities together! We are appointment only to ensure that all children can enjoy their visit. Navigate to "Book Services" to book your visit or reach out to Taylar, taylar.atozabilities@gmail.com.

We focus on the individual needs of children, siblings, and family members. We create an inclusive experience based on each individual environment for school, home, or daycare settings. All children have a different normal; let's create an environment where everyone's normal is welcome! 

What do we offer?


ABA Therapy 

Sensory Gym

Interested in learning more?

Our goal is to be your child and family's biggest advocate. We create a fun, adaptive, and enriched learning environment for each individual child. We understand that each family is different which is why treatment plans, therapy sessions, and support will be individualized to meet the needs of the child and family. Collaboration across all providers is necessary to ensure effective therapy. We recognize and understand that everyone communicates differently and will individualize forms of communication for each child, family member, and service provider involved. 

See what we are involved in! 

Seacoast TopSoccer 2023

TopSoccer is a soccer program targeted to provide an inclusive experience for children and young adults with a range of various abilities. Through this program, we work with children and adults on teamwork, social skills, and the love of soccer! Each player has a buddy that will be there for 1-to-1 support if needed along the way. Taylar has been involved in TopSoccer for three years ranging from Florida to Maine/New Hampshire!


Sensory Santa  

Sensory Santa is a free event that allows children with all abilities to come to meet Santa, play, and explore. Our sensory-friendly event has various activities for children to engage in before or after they meet Santa. The Santa area includes a soft rug, dim lights, and soft music!


2023 Involvement- Thank you for all your support!

(Click the link to be directed to a brief video of what we have been involved in 2023)
