
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific and systematic approach that is utilized to increase social, communication, and functional living skills while decreasing behaviors that may cause harm or interfere with a child's learning. In other words, all goals and interventions implemented have evidence (research) based data. Research-based interventions will be modified and individualized to each and every child to assist children in finding their form of communication. A to Z Abilities is very passionate about providing play-based and compassionate ABA services to all families. 

Home Based ABA Services 

We are not currently accepting new families. We are actively working on the credentialing process. We will service families across Southern Maine and New Hampshire beginning in 2024. In the meantime, feel free to check out our consulting services and our sensory gym! 


A to Z Abilities is happy to work with schools, dentist offices, doctor offices, daycares, and more. People learn from each other, so we are always eager to collaborate with a variety of service providers to broaden the understanding of various forms of communication and effective forms of communication. 

You just received an autism diagnosis for your child, let us help you locate your options and be there to support you and your family each step of the way!

Interested in navigating the steps of beginning services recommended by a developmental pediatrician or psychologist? 

Interested in learning more about Applied Behavior Analysis? 

Interested in learning more about the functions of behavior? 

Interested in various forms of communication and how you can communicate with your child, student, sibling, or patient? 

Reach out to us to learn more about individual and group collaboration meetings to learn and support each other. Navigating the appropriate providers for your child and family can be overwhelming. Let us help you locate services in your area. We are here to help, grow and create relationships amongst each other, community members, and service providers.