For fast delivery in Ibadan, Lagos, Abeokuta, Akure, Ado Ekiti, Osogbo, Ilorin, Abuja and Anambra, we are your go-to-company.

Opening Hours: 8AM–6:30PM Daily.

Call, text or chat us +2347065430914

Local Deliveries.

We are available for all your local (within Nigeria) deliveries.


We are available in the following countries: UK, USA, Canada, Australia, france.

Haulage System.

We render haulage services for companies and organizations that require

haulage trucks and vehicles for their productions and operations.

Property Managment

We help you manage your vehicles and give you returns on them on monthly or quarterly basis. Do you have a vehicle that you are not using? Bring it to us and let us put it to good use for you.