
11:00 — 13:00 - Morning sessions | Lunch break: 13:00—15:30 (includes a walk excursion in the island) | 15:30 — 17:30 - Afternoon sessions

11:00-11:30  Mathematics and Music in Historical ContextJosé Francisco Rodrigues 


Through a few examples, we will present a brief introduction to the numerous interactions between mathematics and music throughout history, which can help us understand the modern interpretation of Leibniz's expression "Musica est exercitium arithmeticae occultum nescientis se numerare animi” (Music is a hidden arithmetic exercise of a mind unconscious that it is counting).

11:30-12:00 Music and Symmetries - from Bach to JazzCarlota Simões 

Reflection and rotation are terms frequently used in mathematics and generally associated with the sense of vision, but it is possible to exemplify the same concepts using the sense of hearing. In this talk we analyse several musical examples from different periods and styles, as well as their translation into mathematical language. 

12:00-12:30  Around the TonnetzMoreno Andreatta 

In my presentation I will focus on the geometrical structure of the Tonnetz by presenting its construction and showing several examples of compositions based on this model. I will use the web environment The Tonnetz, that have been developed within the research Project entitled SMIR (Structural Music Information Research). The web interactive application is available at:  

12:30-13:00  Symmetries and other mathematical beauties in music  - Emmanuel Amiot

One dimension of the natural relationships between music and mathematics is the notion of Symmetry. Sometimes hidden, always meaningful and perceptible nonetheless, it can be shown without involving any complicated notions and helps understand the fulfilment of our sense of beauty. Examples include Debussy, Wagner, Piazzolla, Gloria Gaynor…


Lunch break and walk in Berlenga

15:30-16:00  Conceptualising Tonality: Algebraic versus Statistical ApproachesThomas Noll

It the Coimbra Conference I’m co-author of two quite „technical“  papers, from a mathematical point of view. One investigates the major and minor modes in the context of algebraic combinatorics on words. The other one explores a dynamic model of the major and minor Krumhansl-Kessler pitch class profiles in the context of quantum theory. There is no obvious connection between the two approaches. In my talk for the workshop in Berlenga I will characterise these approaches from a less technical perspective and share some thoughts about possibilities to eventually unify them.

16:00-16:30  The MatheMusical Virtual Museum : Talk + InstallationGilles Baroin

Talk : The MatheMusical Virtual Museum is an interactive collection of mathemusical models in Virtual Reality, It is being developed in collaboration with various well known mathemusicians; and didactics experts.

Atelier : Volunteers will have the pleasure to experience the MatheMusical Virtual Museum with the help of headsets and will discover 

The latest software : “Planet Voices”, an original approach to engender harmony using “Voice leading” in multidimensional spaces.

16:30-17:30 Round Table (Rosalia Vargas and Carlos Florentino, Moderators) — How to make an Exhibition on Mathematics and Music?