Welcome to YOUR Atlantic High School PTSA!
Helping Our Eagles Soar to Great Heights!
What is PTSA?
Our mission is to support Atlantic Community High School, its staff and students. We provide volunteers, money and other critical support for Atlantic High programs and projects.
Support Our Students!
Interested in donating money, supplies or your expertise to our Atlantic sports teams and student groups? Your PTSA can help get you connected!
Visit our MemberHub site to make a donation, and visit the school's website for a full list of teams, student clubs and other organizations.
Volunteer Your Time!
Your time is the key to our success! We need volunteers, whether it's during the school day or after work, on a variety of projects and programs.
Contact us at AtlanticHighPTSA@gmail.com or connect with one of our PTSA Board members to learn more about how you can get involved.
Shop Our Store!
The PTSA Store is your go-to for PTSA memberships and business sponsorships, and so much more!
Shop the store now and support your Atlantic High PTSA in their efforts to support our Atlantic High Eagles students, teachers and staff!
Check back for new items as we add them to our inventory, and email AtlanticHighPTSA@gmail.com with any questions.