Free Stuff

Resources contributed by several student tinkerers, innovators, and mentors.

Arduino sketch for two wheeled Robot

Contributor(s): Vijaysubramanian S & Anwesh, Class 10 students.

Brief Description: The is a sketch for an Arduino compatible NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller that controls two wheels of a simple Robot. The sketch receives commands from the user over a WiFi network and triggers the two robotic motors such that it can move the robot forward, backward, turn left, turn right, or stop.

Skill Matrix and Idea Bank Quiz

Contributor(s) :Tanisha Karve (Class 10 Student, Soloprenuer).

Brief Description: Test yourself and how much you know about Skill Matrix and Idea Bank and have a shot at winning free merch.

Design of Innovation-enabler Toolkit

Contributor(s): Kiran Kumar H S, Mentor of Change.

Brief Description: The Innovation enabler toolkit makes it very simple for students who are new at ATLs to learn to tinker and innovate. The toolkit hides the technological complexity under the hood and enables the student tinkerer to focus on building useful, interesting, and practical applications using a variety of building blocks such as sensor blocks, actuator blocks, processor blocks, and wireless blocks. The detailed design of these building blocks with sketches and measures is provided in this design document. Student innovators interested in building an innovator toolkit can leverage this design and build one.

master Vijay - Agro Rover.pptx


Contributor(S): Vijaysubramanian S & Anwesh, Class 10 students.

Brief Description: A smart robotic solution for automating farming activities and conserving resources


Contributor(s): Saanvi Nazre, Class 5 student.

Brief Description: MyVaccy helps the parents keep their child's vaccination history, finds the nearest Hospitals, and tells you about the diseases your child is getting vaccinated against. This will also save parents time.

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MakerKit Overview.pdf

Maker Kit

Contributor(s): Kiran Kumar H S, Mentor of Change.

Brief Description: Innovation-enabler technology toolkit helps students bring their ideas to life in minutes. Drag-n-drop software tools and plug-n-play hardware building-blocks make innovation a breeze. No coding or technology skills needed. All that matters is students come with an idea. They can instantly convert their ideas into working solutions. Innovation enabler toolkits help accelerate innovation at the ATL as students can focus on building innovations that address practical and real-world needs rather than worrying about the nitty-gritties of technologies. Please contact the developer if you are interested in using this toolkit.

Research work on challenges faced by Paraplegics

Contributor(s): Maanya Ramesh, Class 9 student.

Brief Description: Paraplegics are people who are affected by the paralysis of legs and lower body – sustained often as a result of an accident. As a result, Paraplegics are unable to stand or move around on their own. This severely inhibits their mobility and freedom. This research document delves deep into the problems and challenges of paraplegics and provides insights for innovators to come up with a variety of solutions to address the mobility, freedom and independence of paraplegics.

Anwesh - RC Plane Design.pdf

RC Plane model

Contributor(s): Anwesh Abhilash, Class 10 students.

Brief Description: This Can be used by other students to develop an interest in RC planes and get to know the basics of aerodynamics.

Srushti - Blind Person Support System v0.3.pdf


Contributor(s): Srushti Sandeep, Class 6 student.

Brief Description: An artificial intelligence-based support system that visually challenged people to navigate in the city independently.

AI PPT (1) (1).pdf

A.I. Alert indicator

Contributor(s): Aaditya Bennie, Class 10 student.



Contributor(s): Hrushikesh Kumar, Class 7 student.

Brief Description: A Smart Solution to prevent vehicle accidents caused by under-age driving and vehicle thefts.

Lab-in-a-Box v0.4 (1).pdf


Contributor(s): Kiran Kumar H S, Mentor of Change, Air Force School Hebbal

Brief Description: Lab-in-a-Box is an innovation enabler kit that has all the basic ingredients needed by a student to set up a lab of his/her own – either at home or in the school. Lab-in-a-Box is packed with the foundational tools, techniques, knowledge ,and resource materials required for young students to start with their tinkering and innovation journey.

Smart Prosthetic Arm v0.2 (1).pdf

Smart Prosthetic Arm

Contributor(s): Maanya R, Class 9 student.

Brief Description: The amputee can wear a Smart Prosthetic Arm that will be controlled by a micro-controller. The arm has a claw that opens and closes to easily grab objects such as cups, bottles, etc., and makes life easier for the amputee.