Not sure of ways to stay active during the off-season with your team? Below are several program offerings we have that you can run!

  • Fit5: A program that educates athletes on proper hydration, nutrition and different types of exercise. Usually ran with a team during a sport season but can be adapted to be a program on its own. Click here to view the Fit5 Program!

  • Unified Strength and Conditioning: A program where athletes compete in 7 different exercises! Points are earned by improving your score with each of the several exercises. Click here to view the Strength and Conditioning webpage.

  • Xtra Mile Walking/Running Club: These clubs are focused on getting athletes outside to walk or run during the on and off season! Click here to view the optional coach athlete walking club template.

  • Unified Fitness Club: Similar to Fit 5, the Unified Fitness Club combines education and movement. The first part of the club will be teaching athletes about different wellness topics and the second half will be getting the athletes up and moving.

  • Specialized Group Exercise Classes: A specific class already at your fitness facility now offered to Special Olympics Massachusetts Athletes.

  • Fitness at Home:


Have little experience in coaching? Email Vicky for sport-specific coaching guides. All coaching guides have warm-ups, cool-downs, and sport specfic in-practice fitness drills.


As a coach, it is important to ensure that your athletes are performing at their best by leading them through proper warm-ups, drills, and cool downs. Click here to view fitness methods you can implement with your team.

Need help with active practice plans?

Email Vicky to have her come out and observe your practice. She will make suggestions and tips of how to improve your practice from a fitness/active practice perspective!