
  • Semiconductor thermal transport

  • New thermal interface material

  • New heat sink design

  • New heat spreading material

=> Provide thermal solution to semiconductor industry

- Thermal management in semiconductor and transistor device is one of the most important technological challenge. The power density of hot spots in current transistors is approaching that of the Sun’s surface. Low heat dissipation rates severely decrease performance and energy efficiency of electronics. Thermal management is the biggest roadblock for next-generation transistor and Integrated circuits. Performance of electronics heavily depends on thermal management of device. Our lab aim to solve this engineering challenge by designing and discovering new high thermal conductivity of solid and thermal interfacial materials

  • Renewable energy production and conversion

- Thermoelectric effect which is heat driven electricity or electricity driven heat is one of the renewable and clean energy source having high potential to solve current energy and environmental issue. However, energy conversion efficiency of thermoelectric material and module remain low. Our lab aim to find new thermoelectric material and engineer thermoelectric device to boost energy conversion efficiency.

  • Quantum computer cooling technology

Quantum computer (IBM)

Solid state cooling for quantum computer to replace dilution refrigerator

- In analogy with electrical transport, thermal transport in solid can be adjustable with variable force and field such as electrical, optical, magnetic force. By controlling thermal conductivity and heat capacity of solid actively, we can build all-solid state thermodynamic cycle without moving part which have great promise to quantum computer cooling technologies.

  • Extreme heat conduction

- Advanced materials with extreme thermal conductivity are critically important for various technological applications including energy conversion, storage, and thermal management. Low thermal conductivity is needed for thermal insulation and thermoelectric energy harvesting, while high thermal conductivity is desirable for efficient heat spreading in electronics. However, the practical application deployments are usually limited by the materials availability in nature. By discovering new extreme thermal materials, we push low and high limits of thermal conductivity in solid.

  • Above research topics are just a few examples, we love a new physics and engineering challenge related with thermal and energy transport!