Atelier des doctorants


L'Atelier des Doctorants LMI/LMRS est une initiative commune entre le Laboratoires de Mathématiques de L'INSA et le Laboratoire de Mathématiques Raphaël Salem à Rouen. Ce groupe de travail est notamment dédié aux échanges et partages d'idées entre doctorants sur leurs recherches en cours. Nos rencontres se tiennent en général le mardi après-midi en salle de séminaire du LMRS, offrant un espace convivial pour discuter, apprendre et collaborer.

Organisateurs : Averil Prost (LMI) et Samuel Tréton (LMRS).


My thesis aims to investigate exceptional point configurations in a Boolean model in different settings. More precisely, in a homogeneous Poisson process in which two points are connected if they are at a distance less than or equal to a fixed real number, we examine the connected components from both a probabilistic perspective (probability of having a cluster of k points) and a geometric perspective (given the realization of a cluster of k points, is there a preferential shape for this cluster). My thesis topic deals with these questions when the intensity of the process converges to 0 in a Euclidean framework and simultaneously in a hyperbolic framework when the intensity explodes. The motivations behind choosing these frameworks will become apparent in the applications and when we discuss the works of K. Alexander.

Regarding the approach to this problem, we will see how the knowledge of a limiting shape helps for solving  the probabilistic questions.