
Peer-reviewed papers

Fabian, Sandor, and Andrew Boutton. "Foreign military training and socialization: An examination of human capital and norm transmission between allies" forthcoming in International Studies Quarterly

Boutton, Andrew and Thomas Dolan. 2021. "Enemies in the shadows: On the origins and survival of covert clients" International Studies Quarterly, 65(1): 146-159. [appendix]

Boutton, Andrew. 2021 "Military aid, regime vulnerability, and the escalation of political violence" British Journal of Political Science, 51(2): 507-525. [pdf][replication materials]

Boutton, Andrew and Vito D'Orazio. 2020 "Buying blue helmets: Foreign aid and the construction of UN peacekeeping missions", Journal of Peace Research. 57(2): 312-328 [appendix][replication materials]                                                                                                             

Boutton, Andrew. 2019. "Coup-proofing in the shadow of intervention: Alliances, moral hazard, and violence in authoritarian regimes" International Studies Quarterly, 63(1): 43-57 [replication materials]                                                                                              

Boutton, Andrew and Henry Pascoe. 2018. "Do aid projects attract transnational terrorism?" Peace Economics, Peace Science, and Public Policy, 24(4): Proceedings of the 18th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference

Boutton, Andrew. 2019. "Of terrorism and revenue: Why foreign aid exacerbates terrorism in personalist dictatorships" Conflict Management and Peace Science, 36(4) (accepted August 2016). ​ [replication materials]​​

Boutton, Andrew. 2014. "US foreign aid, interstate rivalry, and incentives for counterterrorism cooperation" Journal of Peace Research, 51(6). 741-754. [replication materials

Boutton, Andrew and David B. Carter. 2014. "Fair-weather allies: Terrorism and the allocation of U.S. foreign aid."  (with David B. Carter) Journal of Conflict Resolution, 58(7). 1144-1173. [replication materials]

Other publications

Boutton, Andrew. "The dangers of U.S. military assistance to weak states" Texas National Security Review, Policy Roundtable: The Pros and Cons of Security Assistance. November 20, 2018

​​"Security aid and the counterterrorism racket" Political Violence at a Glance . May 11, 2015 

In progress

"The effects of nontax revenue volatility on regime stability"  revise & resubmit

"Terrorist identity & the public demand for (dis)proportionate responses" (with Zlatin Mitkov) 

"Like moths to the flame: Development aid and transnational terrorism" (with Henry Pascoe)

"Do great powers punish religious discrimination? Exploring the link between foreign aid and human rights" (with Nikola Mirilovic)

"Overstaying their welcome: On the success and failure of leader attempts to extend or eliminate term limits in Sub-Saharan Africa"

"The social network effects of US military assistance"