Teaching Statement:

Professor Zadehgol’s teaching interests and activities include: (a) teaching undergraduate courses in engineering electromagnetics (ECE 330), and its application to microwave/mm-wave circuits (ECE 430) and to wireless propagation (ECE 432), (b) teaching graduate level courses on the theory of electromagnetic fields and waves (ECE 530, 531), and its applications to high-speed and optical interconnect modeling and analysis, (c) methods in CAD, including system identification, passivity, causality, and stability assessment and enforcement, and autonomous equivalent circuit synthesis based on multi-port scattering-Parameters, (d) application of machine learning methods to solving problems in computational electromagnetics. 

Below is a list of courses I've taught in the Fall (F), Spring (S), and Summer(Su) semesters, since 2014:

1.          ECE 330/331, Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory, F23, F22, F21, F20, F19, F18, F17, Su17, F16,

2.          ECE 430, Microwave & Millimeter Wave Circuits, S24, S23, S21, S20, S19, S18, S17, S16

3.          ECE 432, Wireless Propagation, F22, F20, F19, F15,

4.          ECE 530, Advanced Electromagnetic Theory I, F21, F18, F17,

5.          ECE 531, Advanced Electromagnetic Theory II, S22, S18, F16,

6.          ECE 533, Antenna Theory, S17.

7.          ECE 591 Graduate Seminar: Webinar Series, F20.

8.          ECE 418/518, Introduction to Electronic Packaging, F14.

9.          ECE 490, Near Space Engineering Leadership, S16, S17.

10.        ENGR 205, Near Space Engineering, F16.

11.        ECE 504/404, Machine Learning for Electromagnetics, S22.

12.        ECE 504/404, Passive Electromagnetic Systems, S21.

13.        ECE 504/404, Modern Circuit Synthesis Techniques, S20.

14.        ECE 504/404, Computational Electromagnetics, S15, S18.

15.        ECE 502, Advanced Topics in Electromagnetics, S16.

16.        ECE 502, Signal and Power Integrity for Microelectronics, F15.