ATA Membership Services
Member Services staff officers are experienced classroom teachers with experience in administration, experience in local leadership and a commitment to teachers.
Call before you dig
It’s always best to be proactive. No question is a stupid question.
Problems tend to remain much smaller when people seek advice long before the situation gets out of hand!
When you call, the secretary will ask you for your name, school, school board and a brief description of your issue. Your information will be passed along to the duty officer that day. If you are already working with a staff officer, please ask to speak to that person.
To speak to a staff officer in Member Services call one of the two following locations:
Barnett House in Edmonton at 1-800-232-7208 (local calls, 447-9400); or
Southern Area Regional Office (SARO) in Calgary at 1-800-332-1280 (local calls, 265‑2672).
All calls to Member Services are confidential. Initially, you will be asked your name, school, employing board and a brief description of your issue. Asking these questions helps ensure confidentiality and the proper handling of your case. For example, if you did not identify your school you might be assigned the same staff officer as another teacher or administrator at your school who perceives you to be the problem.
MS provides services to all active ATA members. When you access services, the ATA will verify your identity and create records related to your case. If we don’t know who you are, we cannot ensure that you are a member. It is unfair to members if we advise non-members, who do not pay for services.
Once you are assigned a staff officer, your case will stay with that staff officer. No one, including the staff officer assigned, will investigate on your behalf without your authorization.
The ATA is subject to the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA). When you access Member Services, you are granting implied consent for staff to collect your personal information for the purpose of managing your case. The ATA’s privacy policy is available at
Common types of calls
If you are alleged to have assaulted a student it is critical that you seek the assistance of an MS staff officer.
If your principal does not insist that you call the ATA, be sure that you insist on calling the ATA before any discussion of the incident happens.
Your school representative or a trusted colleague is NOT authorized to represent you or to take notes for you at a meeting.
Colleague relations
Professional relationships between colleagues can be among the most difficult issues to resolve.
MS staff officers are trained to help de-escalate potential problems by providing proactive solutions before problems arise.
MS staff officers will advise you of your responsibilities within the Code of Professional Conduct.
The professional discipline process is unfamiliar to most teachers; MS staff officers help to clarify the process.
If you are being evaluated, it is important to call Member Services to gain information about the appropriate processes involved and the possible outcomes.
MS staff officers offer consultations to school principals to ensure that the evaluation process is correct and fair.
Medical Leave
MS staff officers advise members on issues surrounding medical leaves and return to work after medical leaves.
Parental Concerns
Dealing with parents is becoming a key issue for teachers and school administrators. MS staff officers provide effective strategies for dealing with emergent situations, particularly with regard to school and parental rights under the School Act.
Teachers facing termination by employers—through contract expiration or a personal decision-making process—should get advice before proceeding.
Before termination by either party, it is wise to note the statutory timelines and ask a MS staff officer to review the contract.
The School Act provides teachers with statutory rights to appeal a transfer. These rights are bound by timelines.
It is important to get advice regarding the status of your transfer before you accept it.
Teacher Rights, Responsibilities, and Legal Liabilities
Teachers’ rights, responsibilities and legal liabilities include many issues that do not fall under the categories above. If you have a concern, it is wise to contact the ATA’s Member Services program area.
Presentations to Teachers
Member Services offers a range of relevant and current presentations to teachers and administrators. For a complete listing, go to the ATA website at, scroll down to Professional Development and click on Workshops, Courses and Presentations. To book a presentation, contact Barnett House in Edmonton at 1-800-232-7208 (local calls, 447-9400); or at the Southern Area Regional Office (SARO) in Calgary at 1-800-332-1280 (local calls, 265-2672).