
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ― Nelson Mandela

“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.” ― Albert Einstein

Current Teaching at University of Liverpool Management School: 

Undergraduate: ECON 317: Advanced Econometric Methods: Data Project

PhD: ULMR807: Advanced Topics in Macroeconometrics

Past Teaching at University of Liverpool Management School:

2021/2022 Doctoral Workshop (PhD course) on Recent Developments on Granger Causality Analysis with Applications to Macroeconomics and Financial data:

Course Objectives: This course focuses on the recent developments on Granger causality analysis. We will examine different tests and measures of linear and non-linear Granger causality (between time series variables) in mean, quantile, and distribution. We will also see how to quantify an indirect Granger causality that is transmitted through auxiliary variables. Furthermore, we will discuss some applications of these tests and measures for monetary policy analysis, volatility modelling, asset pricing, etc. This course will be useful to:

Syllabus of the Course

Videos of the sessions to watch:

 Watch the video here

Watch the video here

Watch the video here

Watch the video here

Past Teaching at Durham University Business School: 

Econometrics II

Financial Modelling and Business Forecasting