I'm considering an $85 Wiim Mini or a $140 Wiim Pro streamer to attach to my existing home stereo setup so that it shows in AirPlay on iOS along with my Sonos speakers when I want to stream music or podcasts throughout the house.

I have a pair of Sonos Ones and a Sonos Sub Mini, and I use AirPlay 2 (not the Sonos app) to stream music and podcasts. *All I want to do is add my home stereo setup to AirPlay so that I can have synced whole-house audio.* Will a Wiim Mini (or the Pro) get me there? Thanks.

At Home Streamer

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Does this work if the source is a Bluetooth device (e.g. Android) instead of an Airplay 2 device? As explained in the support pages of Wiim it is possible to group a Wiim with other Airplay 2 devices (e.g. Sonos speakers). Does this mean that the source can be something else (AUX in, Bluetooth, etc) to stream to the group?

Product: The Sims 4


Which language are you playing the game in? English

How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

What is your current game version number?

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Every Expansion Every Game pack Every stuff pack Every kit

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Sim in the gamer career. When they go to work they earn $ and job performance. They even get promotions. When the sim works from home, they do not get paid. They do not get job performance. They do not get promotions. An hour before the sim's job starts, a pop up appears asking if they want to go to work or work from home. When that pop up appears, the sim then earns $10 for their job from the previous shift. 

What happens when the bug occurs? Sim never gets paid, never earns job performance increases, and never gets promoted if they work from home in the gamer career that came with high school years.

What do you expect to see? The sim should earn their full pay, earn job performance increases, and earn promotions if they work from home. They earn it all correctly if they go to work. If they work from home then they never get any of the above. 

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.

Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

I have a sim teen who I placed in the gamer career. It is the career that came with High School Living. If she goes to work, she gets paid her full amount. She earns job performance increases. She even gets promoted.

A pop up appears an hour before her job starts. It asks if I want to send her to work or have her work from home. When that pop up appears, the game then awards her $10 as pay for her previous shift.

The same issue happens. He gets paid, earns job performance increases, and even got promoted if he goes to work. When he chooses to work from home and completes all his required tasks, he never gets paid. He never gets any job performance boosts, and he never gets promoted.

I don't work or have any association with EA. I give advice to the best of my knowledge and cannot be held responsible for any damage done to your computer/game.

Please only contact me via PM when asked to do so.

When the notification for work pops up, the game says the sim earned $10 as payment from the previous shift. The $10 never gets added to their household funds though. Plus the sim is maxed level in the video game streaming career. ( she got promoted several times from going into work ). She should be earning $61 an hour. So she should be getting $122 total.

So the game does realize that she did work from home. It shows all her tasks are completed. But when the time comes to get paid, a pop up says it is only $10 instead of the $61 an hour. Plus that $10 is never added to her household funds.

When I tested with the second save, the same thing occurred. Working from home, The sim gets paid only $10 and it is never added to the household funds. Going to work for the 2 hours, he gets paid and it gets added to the funds.

Product: The Sims 4


Which language are you playing the game in? English

How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

What is your current game version number? Current to date - 1/15/2023

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Get a job from the HSY pack, choose Work from Home, then complete the Work from Home Assignment.

What happens when the bug occurs? The sim only gets $10 for completing the task.

What do you expect to see? I expect to receive a full day's pay. That's how all of the other work from home options pay out.

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.

Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure 

Product: The Sims 4


Which language are you playing the game in? English

How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

What is your current game version number? 1.96.397.1020

What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Every

Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? make your sime work from home in the video game streamer career. They only earn $10 and never get promoted

What happens when the bug occurs? The sim works from home in the video game streamer career. The sim can complete every work from home task. The sim only gets paid $10 and never promoted. If the sim goes into work, they get paid the full amount. 

What do you expect to see? I expect my sim to get paid the full amount ( at least $122 and get job performance )

Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.

Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No

I was told to post this here and they closed my discussion thread on the official forums even though I was discussing how many of us can't play our sim selves and have the sims stream games. I posted this here back when High school years released and so far nothing has been done about it. But they said to post it again. So I am.

When a sim works from home for the video game streamer career and accomplishes their work from home task- they only earn $10 as pay. Their job performance also never goes up and they never get promoted.

I know the issue is not just me. I have seen several "game changers" & even early access streamers who have reported this on their channels. Many even has laughed and said they can't even play their sim selves and get paid either.

I have had sims do both part time careers that come with High School Years (Simfluencer and Video Game Streamer). If they work from home they get paid 10 simoleons for completing the task and 10 simoleons when they get the next call re whether they work from home. Unlike some who have posted here, my sims do still get promoted, and when that happens, they do get the promotion bonuses however they never get paid their hourly wage rate, they only get 20 simoleons per day in total, regardless of career level. I've even had some sims stay in the career after they age up to young adults (while they go to university) and their pay goes up to 14 simoleons for completing the task/14 simoleons when they get the call, and again if they go to work they get paid the actual hourly rate.

This has been happening in my game with every teen I've had do either career since the pack came out (which has been a minimum of 20 teen sims, probably more, as I do the goal oriented aspiration with all my teen sims). I am currently using some mods (no cc ever), but when I first experienced the issue I was playing mod free, and in a new save I created after adding High School Years to my game, so that save had never had any mods in it.

Roku is our favorite streaming system, with the most streaming app options, the simplest streaming platform interface and the best search. It also has a content-agnostic platform that doesn't push any one media streaming service provider, like Amazon Prime Video or Apple, over another. The Express 4K Plus streaming media player is one of the cheapest streaming TV options with 4K HDR. (Even if your current TV doesn't support those formats, your next one probably will.) Thanks to the AirPlay update, this Roku device is one of the least expensive ways to connect your iPhone or other Apple device to your TV. It is cheaper than the company's Streaming Stick 4K Plus and other 4K HDR streaming devices, and it's our top pick for best streaming device overall.

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