A Production Company

Seven Acres and a Church

A septuagenarian and community matriarch fights to preserve her church, heritage, and community's history in Savannah, GA. 

The Price of Hope

Girls in Kimana, Kenya, show strength and resilience amid inconceivable trauma after being rescued from FGM and child marriage by Dorcus and John Parit.​​ 

The film is now available for Educational Distribution with Good Docs where documentaries continue to do good in the world.

INSTAGRAM: @thepriceofhopefilm

The Low Country Barbershop

Meet Tori, owner-operator of The Low Country Barbershop

WEIGHTED: Inspired by FitKenyanGirl

A simple desire to lose weight and stay healthy leads to the competitive sport of bodybuilding.



Having gained entry to the U.S. through student visas, a young Kenyan couple is living the American dream until an ICE audit reveals a damaging secret that destroys, in days, a life they’ve spent years building together.

Field Marshal Muthoni Wa Kirima

Phoebe Asiyo

Professor Wangari Maathai


Simone Cole is a young woman who was brutally raped and now fighting to find her way back to 'normal.' Detective Travillo descends on Simone, intent on nabbing the mysterious serial killer murdering rapists. She has no intention of revealing the man who saved her life while the detective will stop at nothing to find the killer.

The Williams Family: Living with Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA)

Mr. Williams and his two children, Michael (4) and Calvin (5), have a rare blood disorder called Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA). There is no cure except for the possibility of a bone marrow transplant with a matched donor. In the meantime, all three are blood transfusion dependent and must each get transfusions every 3-4 weeks. All three have mediports placed in their chest to make this process easier. Additionally, both boys were diagnosed with Autism (unrelated to the DBA). The oldest child has also recently been diagnosed with complex partial seizures most likely related to the autism. All three of them also have hemochromatosis (iron overload) due to the excessive transfusions and must take medications to reduce the iron in their body or risk organ failure. Due to their conditions they must go to several doctor/therapy visits each week. Mrs. Williams, the only member of the family without DBA, works to support her family as the breadwinner.

Love Self in Reverse

Music Video

Artist | Miriam Chemmoss


Music Video

Artist | Miriam Chemmoss