Recorded talks

First secure detection of Icy Complex Organic Molecules with JWST (starts at 1:26:00). 1st year of JWST science at Baltimore - US

The Leiden Ice Database: upgrades and new features.

Language: English

ENIIGMA fitting tool

Language: English

Astroquímica e a busca das nossas origens cósmicas

Language: Portuguese

Simulação de reações químicas em grãos interestelares.

Language: Portuguese

Slides and posters

Complex molecule formation in TMC-1: A new approach using the physicochemical ProDiMo code.

dEcompositioN of Infrared Ice features using Genetic Modelling Algorithms- ENIIGMA.

Spatial constraining of the survival of organic molecules at the initial stages of star formation: case for methanol.

Abundance of Astrophysical ices as an indicative of the evolutionary class of young stellar objects.

Ices in protoplanetary disks: meeting experiments and models.

Química em discos protoplanetários: observações, experimentos e modelagem computacional

Química em nuvens moleculares

Monte Carlo method applied to the interstellar grain chemistry

Interplay of Chemistry and Dynamics in the Low-Mass Star Formation.

Chemistry in Protoplanetary Disks

Computational code to determine the optical constants of materials with astrophysical importance

Spectral and structure modeling of low and high mass young protostars using a radiative transfer code