
  • The time is in UTC. The speakers from Asia are in early slots and speakers from North and South America are in later slot.

  • Please note that the schedule is still tentative. We are checking with speakers if they have any conflicts with other appointments. We will release the final version later.


List of Speakers

Keynote Presentations:

Arthur Bosman

Ilsa Cooke

Viviana Guzman

Daniel Harsono

Melissa McClure

Brett McGuire

Yuri Nishimura

Yoko Oya

Masashi Tsuge

Marie Van de Sande

Contributed Talks:

Alexey Potapov

Alexia Simon

Alice Booth

Beatrice Kulterer

Brandt Gaches

Dana Anderson

Elena Redaelli

Eleonora Bianchi

Elettra L. Piacentino

Eri Saiga

Felipe Alarcón

Fernando Cruz Sáenz de Miera

Francesco Fontani

Germán Molpeceres

Gianni Cataldi

Jenny Bergner

Jeroen Terwisscha van Scheltinga

John Ilee

Jose Cernicharo

Juris Kalvāns

Kenji Furuya

Kotomi Taniguchi

Leon Trapman

Maria Jose Maureira

Maria Murga

Martijn van Gelder

Merel van 't Hoff

Miwha Jin

Nanase Harada

Nienke van der Marel

Olli Sipilä

Pooneh Nazari

Shih-Ying Hsu

Shota Notsu

Silvia Spezzano

Taïssa Danilovich

Takashi Shimonishi

Víctor M. Rivilla

Yoshihide Yamato

Yuki Okoda